Wednesday, August 2, 1989 Page 5 Anne's full of cake By Anne Todesco Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Almos of Thunder Bay visited Mrs. Annic Todesco on the weekend. Arnold was one of her pupils when she taught at Jackfish. The Peter Kings of sey: are guests of the Eugene Gerows and on their annual fishing holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Sen. Lewis of Nipigon were on their annual weckend attending the Fish Derby and renewing old acquaintances. Ircne's grandparents, the Peter Peraults, were some of our early settlers and commercial fishermen. His old home is now owned by the Bruley family and still a sturdy well built building. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Josephine Hubilet and family in the death of her moth- er Mrs. Mary Buodrau at Timmins. She was the former Mary Legault. The funeral was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Legault, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campell, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerow. The St. Berchmen altar Society met at Mrs. Laura Legault's home Wednesday evening for the June meeting. The president, Mrs. Prina Gerow presided, welcomed the members present and opened with a prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Legault, read the min- utes while the treasurer Pat Beno gave the financial report. A report was presented by Mrs. Beno from Mrs. Todesco of the sale of used clothing and a cheque of $41, boxes of clothing given to young mothers and needy families. It was decided to cancel the Flca Market and bake sale this year but discussed plans for the Fish supper in September. Following closing prayers luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Anne Todesco was entertained by the Todesco families of Thunder Bay and Red Rock Monday evening to a dinner at Rossport Inn in honor of her 87 birthday with a decorated cake and lovely gifts. Everyone in the dining room joined in the singing of Happy Birthday returning to her home a social evening was enjoyed by the relatives. Neighbors of Mrs. Anne Todesco gave her a surprise birthday party on Thursday evening and a decorated birthday cake. That was the third birthday cake received this weekend. One from doris and Lester Legault, one from the Todesco relatives and Tuesday from her neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Lemire, Mr. and Mrs. Don Techenak, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vito. The evening was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Vachon of Orleans, Ontarid paid a surprise visit to Mrs. Todesco last week seeking information of Andre's grandfather Georges Beaudoin who was the day operator at the Selim Siding station. There were three operators on cight hour shifts with a swing operator to work their shifts on their day off. The only contact they had with other communities was by CP railroad as there was no highway nor telephones over 60 years ago. Beaudoin built a small white and green cottage for the family near a stream of fresh water and somehow piped it into the house by gravity flow. Then he built a small building over the stream and called it his milkhouse. In summer the Beaudoins kept their perishables such as milk, eggs, vegetables fruit etc... in it. They had a cow, pigs, chickens and a garden. When they required groceries thcy would call Mr. Nicol on the key and give him an order for us. We would make up the order and get it back to the station in time to put it on the freight. The Beaudoins would visit with us and the Nicols at the station. Mrs. Beaudoin taught her children mostly in French and I would help her in English. So I-gave the granddaughter what I could on the spur of the moment. TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS TreeTop Toys no Gj TEACHERS STORE "Quality , Fun and Learning For The Early Years" NOW OPEN!!! We invite you to come and discover what our store is all about. We offer toys, games, puzzles, crafts and books for children from the newborn stage through to pre-teens. We have carefully selected our products to be safe and durable, while they also encourage fun and creative play. 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