! Page 6, News, Wednesday, April 20, 1988 Growth begins with 'us', says business owner At the recent Futures Committee meeting, the message that local economic development ought to come from local people was one of the strongest chal- lenges presented. Area businessman Mike Moore offers some ideas and input as to how he feels development and diversification can be realized. Economic Development--What is it? Why do we need it? Who benefits? What will it cost? How will it happen? What it is--Economic develop- ment is a strategy and a process. If an area is to offer a particular lifestyle and quality, then planning is required to ensure that goals are attained. Why we need it--There are a number of reasons why we need it. Primarily, for and area to remain healthy, it needs to retain its young people, attract new people and allow its seniors to continue to par- ticipate in the community. We are all acutely aware that the term 'job security' is going the way of the dinosaur. We need it to ensure the that businesses here remain strong and viable, which will in turn attract new businesses and job opportunities. A tremendous amount of time, effort, and money has gone into creating the quality of life in this Terrace Bay. ; _-- Curtli 'd 5 3 i ng Club Cost: Cocktails: Dancing: General Meeting - Wed., April 20, 1988 7:30 p.m. All curling club members and those interested in curling in the 1988/89 season are asked to attend. Elections will be held at this time. Meeting will be held in the club lounge. Curling Club Wind-Up - May 7, 1988 Anyone interested in purchasing tickets for the May 7th Terrace Bay Curling Club Wind-Up to be held at the Legion Hall, are asked to contact Joyce Gilmore - 825-9159 $40/couple, $20/single 5:30 p.m. Dinner: 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. * Bed Mats * Box Liners * Chrome Bumpers * Running Boards * Box Rails * Tailgate Gaurd * Grill Gaurd * Driving Lights * Sport Wheels *** and many more! COME IN AND SEE US Guaranteed Service Guaranteed GM Parts Guaranteed Price iSpadoni Bros. Ltd. ISchreiber The expert choice. 824-2244 1-800-465-3303 area, and it would be criminal to allow it to die. Who benefits--In economic development, everyone is a winner. Our youth in particular will have an opportunity to call the home of their youth the 'home of their chil- dren.' We as taxpayers will benefit with a broader tax base, both in terms of business and residential rate payers. An expansion of the business sector creates jobs and stimulates growth in recreational activities, thereby enhancing lifestyle and quality of life. What it will cost--You are familiar with the adage ""You only get out of something as much as you put in." in terms of economic development, it will cost us as rate payers to establish the infrastruc- ture to do the job. The cost involved, though, is more than monetary. The cost is also community involvement and participation. It must be the desire of the area to define the goals and then commit (ourselves) to the workload needed to reach those goals. Leadership is important, but the leaders must have full support; they cannot work alone. How it will happen--It won't happen if we wait for 'the other guy' to get it started. Talk to your friends, family and neighbours. Find out who is concerned enough to take action. Organize or attend meetings to leam about the process. Because economic development requires political involvement at all levels, the first step should be taken at the municipal level. Town councils must establish the committees and assume the responsibility for getting the pro- cess started and then allowing autonomy to the committee pro- cess to get the job done. Mike Moore Terrace Bay Ed: Well, do you agree with Mr. Moore's position that economic development is a process in which 824-3336 CHIROPRACTOR Nor-Shore Chiropractor-Clinic MOUNTAIN VIEW PLAZA SCHREIBER WEDNESDAY 1:00 to 8:00 pm or SPORTSWORLD 824-2506 all must become involved? Or do you believe that development can only come from elsewhere, such as corporate or resource sector devel- opment projects like mining or pulp and paper. Do you feel that any more development and diversification is even possible in this area? Perhaps you feel that the area is powerless 10 initiate development on any level without the direct influence and ini- tiation of a "rich uncle" industry who comes into the area offering jobs. How about government services and jobs which have either been moved out of the area, or were established elsewhere? Have you asked yourself why these services are not located here? The spin-off effects of a community's economic expansion or contraction play a big role in where government services are situated. The government ser- vices then come to play a direct role in a community's employment base. Perhaps you think they are just scratching the surface. Write today and tell us what you think. SECRETARY... continued from page 3 President and members, local busi- ness persons, town council mem- bers, and members of Parliament. If you are a secretary, or plan to become a secretary, and are inter- ested in joining the group, you may write Beverly Legault, Box 232, Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO. PIANO FINING| |) HAPPY BY tail. tio hle C1 40th "Piano Works" | |BROTHER Tuner for Thunder Bay " Community Auditorium During the week of April 25th Call Mrs. Borrie at 825-9173) | oe | =) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY The Township is looking for residents to act as fence-viewers for the municipality under the provisions of the Line Fences Act. Fence-viewers act as arbitrators in disputes regarding construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of fences on boundary lines between adjoining parcels of land. A per diem rate Persons interested should contact the undersigned by April 29, 1988. Clerk-Treasurer Administrator Township of Terrace Bay Fence - Viewers is paid for time worked. David C. Fulton P.O. Box 40 Terrace Bay, Ontario 825-3315 y