re By Ken Lusk The News The Terrace Bay Police report that a safe was stolen from the Red Dog Inn in Terrace Bay in the early morning hours of Nov. 16. The business was broke into and entered and the safe, which contained only a small amount of money, was removed from the premises. Police investigation resulted in 'A presentation was made to Rod Thompson, and among other things, he was made an honourary member of the Terrace Bay Fire Department on Nov. 10. Harry Vanderwey, from Safety Supply Canada, was on hand and presented Thompson with a Gold Helmet for services in the fire department. Terrace Bay Councillor Chris Joubert was also there. He presented Thompson with a framed picture of- the Terrace Bay Beach. Deputy Chief Rollie MoQuin and Captain Nestor a ail tris a tee = ee arr Tey See STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thurs. " z zt < ce e x 9-5:30 Mon., Tues., Wed, Sat. the recovery of the safe from the Aguasabon River on Nov. 22 by police divers. Police found the safe sub- merged in the water, and after recovering it, found that it had been opened. If you have any information, have seen any suspicious charac- ters, or know of any doubtful cir- cumstances, do not hesitate to call the police. Distracting salespeople The force reports that on Honourary member Cairn. Merry Christmas with Style TRADE IN YOUR OLD SPORTS JACKET AND 4 GET 50% off THE jf,\, PURCHASE OF YOUR fy) NEW ONE. Also a good selection of shirts, stacks and shoes available. - A s VISA Ra ae Saturday, November 19, 1987, two people entered a local store. While a female distracted the salesperson, a male stole a watch valued at $400. The force says this type of crime should be noted by all shopkeepers in town as a com- mon, pre-planned criminal act. It is known to be carried out by two, three or four people. The salesperson is distracted and the others steal whatever they can. Any suspicious persons should Trach presented Thompson with a framed picture of the complete group of firefight- _ers. Rod Thompson's fire career goes way back to Oct. 7, 1968. He was a firefighter for five years and in 1973 he became a communications officer and instructor, then deputy fire chief until 1980. Until 1985, Thompson was again a communica- tions officer, Also at the presentation was Schreiber Fire Chief Peter Doig and friends like Jacob Ellsworth and George t a SS Sop ot Call 825-3327 os <= oe Gi -- eee Seer oS. ee) oe ' es =e Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, December 2, 307 page 3 Stolen safe from Red Dog Inn recovered be mentally noted and their licence plate number, if possible, memorized. If suspicious people have been, or are in the future, entering your store, a check should be made of your stock immediately, and police should be notified. The above incident at a local store is presently under investiga- tion. Shopkeepers are reminded that a report of this type of this type of activity is not an allegation. If you see any suspicious characters, do not hesitate to inform the police. Man convicted A Terrace Bay man has plead- ed guilty and was convicted of assault upon his wife. The man has been put on 12- months probation and must pay $300 to a church charity of his choice. A Terrace Bay youth pleaded guilty to mischief in regards to a hotrodding incident which result- ed in damage to the Terrace Bay Recreation Complex parking lot. The youth must pay for the repairs to the lot. He was given an absolute discharge, which means he will have no criminal record. Terrace Bay Police note that if you do get a criminal record, it will remain on the books for five years from the date it was received. At that time, it is kept on file and can be opened again if the person is charged again. After five years have passed, the only way to take the record off the books is to apply for a par- don. Police said pardon applications can be obtained at the Terrace Bay Police Station. The police would like to remind all citizens that the Christmas holiday spot checks have taken effect in November. Terrace Bay Police Chief Don Kidder says that if you think you are a better driver when you've been drinking, you shouldn't be driving at all. The police force has informed the News that there is a rash of unlawful parking in handicapped spots. Offenders will be charged. Please remember to check whether you are in one of these spots before you get out of your car. Bikes found Terrace Bay Police also report that three more bikes, all in good shape, have been found. The force reports that 12 bikes are now in possession of the police at the station. All people are urged to check their stocks to see if any bikes are missing. If you are missing a bike, you can go to the station with the intention of identifying your bike; or to report that your bike is missing. Also, the Terrace Bay Police Force has a bike registration sys- tem. All people are urged to regis- ter their bikes with the police. bee) a=» --, A Dir ld Ontario ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BOARD FUNDING FOR INTERVENORS Notice of Public Hearing for Funding on the Proposal by the Ministry of Natural Resources for a Class Environmental Assessment for Timber Management on Crown Lands in Ontario The Environmental Assessment Board is authorized by Order in Council 2449/87 to provide funding up to a total of $300,000 in connection with the environmental assessment hearing with respect to the Ministry of Natural Resources Timber Management Class Environmental Assessment. Public hearings on this matter are expected to commence in the spring of 1988. Notice will shortly be published of preliminary meetings which will be held to deal with procedural matters and the identification of issues and parties, in preparation for the main hearings. Funding will be made available to assist applicants who meet the criteria established in the Order in Council. A funding panel, established by the Chairman of the Environmental Assessment Board, will consider requests for funding by applicants. Forms setting out the information required by the Funding Panel must be obtained and completed prior to funding hearings being established. Location of these hearings will be dependent on the applications received. All applicants should contact the Board by December 17, 1987. Please telephone the Board Secretary for further details at (416) 323-4806. The Board accepts collect calls. Dated at Toronto this 25th day of November, 1987 Y. Lane Board Secretary