Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 9, 1987, page 3 Mannila in town without Conway to canvass continued from page 1 Control Order Much on the minds of every citizen of Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport has been the pollu- tion control order, which almost caused the option of closing the Kimberly-Clark operations in Terrace Bay and vicinity to be considered. Manilla spoke about Premier Peterson's new funding initiative which will allow paper mills to borrow money from-the provin- cial government to upgrade pollu- tion control measures. Peterson announced this cam- paign promise last Friday in Thunder Bay. Manilla was firm about the idea of government-controlled auto insurance, as suggested by the NDP. He claimed that provinces which already have implemented auto insurance also have "enor- 'mous deficits in the area of $100 million." Manilla reminds constituents that these losses may not be cov- ered in premiums but may be recovered by increased taxes. The solution for the high price of auto insurance premiums is by "intervention into the industry...where the consumer gets a fair and equitable deal...within a free enterprise sys- tem." Manilla also declares that the Progressive Conservative promise for lower gas prices in the North is empty. -He reports that the PCs had 42 years of government to imple- ment this before. Why would they start now, he said. The Provincial election will be held on Thursday, September 10, 1987. Gilles Pouliot, the incumbent, is the NDP candidate for Lake NIpigon and Vic Fournel is the PC candidate for the riding. Following a week of flying in the Northern regions, the Mannila campaign trail lead to many iso- lated communities. Here Mannila addressed many of the concerns that have plagued many of the natives living in these remote Northem communi- ties. Mannila also visited Raith, Upsala and Graham. His arrival in English River, Savant Lake and Osnaburgh House proved to be one of tremendous support and the reception there was phenome- nal. After a brief stopover on home turf, Mannila then continued his campaign journey to Rossport, Schreiber and Terrace Bay. Again, Mannila and his team Geraldton for the evening and a hectic day was planned for Geraldton with John Evans, Dick Berday and Rene Fontaine cac- ccmpanying Mannila. The tour included a visit to the Senior Citizens' home there. Finally, again after a much- needed rest, the tour detoured Herman Mannila in Lansdowne House, Ontario. were greeted warmly and openly throughout this region. While in Terrace Bay, Mannila, accompanied by Neil Seagris of Red Rock, wound up his mainstreeting at the Annual Terrace Bay Golf Tournament. Returning home for a much- needed rest, Mannila then took to the air once again, and this time to visit Armstrong, hosted by Pat Waltho, and then to Gull Bay reserve, hosted by Sam King. While in Gull Bay, Mannila was given the red carpet treat- ment. Beardmore The tour also took Mannila to Beardmore, Orient Bay and Rocky Bay reserve- from there it was off to Jellicoe and the regis- tration of nominaticn papers. Mannila was greeted in Nakina by Terry Swanson and Rae Mercier who toured the communi- ty with the Mannila team and here he met with many of the residents who are actively involved in a quest to generate the new industry of raising chickens in the North. After Nakina, the trail ended in = Ceghetva 10 WIRIK COMMUNITY WORKSHOP GROUP Special Meetin Being Forme SCHREIBER Mow you can enjoy al! the tenefite of our amassing new, improved QUICK BTART progres right tn your own town, You'll @iecover how simple it fe to lose weight feet and easy end keap it off for the bast of your life. 'Free Open Meeting sv Date: September 16, SrTimes 7:00 p.m. 7x Locations Recreation Centre LOCH ; OR MORE INFORMATION Wwegde. : AR TOLL FREE: Catcher, (300) 461-2248 Weight Watchers 8nd Quick Start Mus are regrstered Irademarks of WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL INC € WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL INC 1986 r back to Nipigon. ing homes in Red Kock and Nipigon he took time off to attend Home turf a relative's wedding in Thunder Friendly well-wishers met Mannila on his arrival back home and after four days of visit- Bay and a friends's wedding in Red Rock. This summer travel back in time to Old Fort William _, ¢ Thunder Bay's largest attraction * Rousing celebrations «Guided tours *Canoe rides y¢Historic cuisine Tourism and | OPEN DAILY IN tl BAY FROM 10.A.M. TO 6 PM. PH. eS -8461 ' LAW OFFICES OF EDWIN W. (TED) PAGET Owe Recreation BARRISTER & SOLICITOR located at TERRACE BAY OFFICE SCHREIBER OFFICE Simcoe Plaza 302 Scotia, 2nd Floor 825-9379 or 9395 824-3122 Monday to Friday Every Tuesday 10:00 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. = J Sept. 10, 1987 Authorized by the | Fournel Campaign '87 ROSSPOR't INN Est. 1884 '"Overlooking § Rossport Harbour'"' Open rer m. - 40 p.n m. 7 daily. Licenced dining in the charming atmosphere of a 100 year old Railroad Inn Comfortable overnight accomodations 824-3213 Rossport, Ont. _ Herman -Education top priority eHealth care for all -Fair auto insurance Leadership for the North «Improved big highways «Needs of Senior Citizens «Job security - new jobs *Put Mannila on Premier Peterson's TEAM SEPT. 10 - VOTE Mannila MANNILA *Authorized by the Lake Nipigon Provincial