Page 12, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, August 6, 1986 Plaques given Wendy Landry, centre, of the Terrace Bay Recreation Office, was on hand on July 24, to present plaques to two members of the town Milers Club. At left is Tom Nicholson of Birchwood Terrace, who successfully completed 3,000 miles in the "Let's @t Active" Program. At right is Geofrey Flannigan, also of Terrace Bay, who received a plaque after finishing 700 miles of running and/or walking. increase forecasted According to a Canadian Pulp and Paper Association report released recently, total pulp industry capaci- ty in Canada is expected to reach 24.9 million tonnes by 1988, a 4.3 per cent in- crease over the 23.9 mill- ion tonne level of 1985. .A CPPA news release also noted that Canadian capacity to manufacture paper and board is forecast to reach 17.6 million ton- nes in 1988, a seven per cent increase over the 1985 level of 16.4 million. The paper and board in- crease reflects the growing market foreseen for print- ing and writing papers of all kinds, while the more modest rate of growth in pulp capacity will result largely from improvements to existing installations, the release noted. "'The industry is coming out of ajperiod of poor ear- nings which simply did not encourage increases in manufacturing capacity," the President of the CPPA, Howard Hart, explained in. the release. "The overall picture is improving at a modest rate.'" The project three-year increase in pulp capacity represents an average ann- ual growth of 1.4 per cent, up from the 0.6 per cent growth rate of the 1975- 1985 decade. Over the 1985-1988 per- iod, capacity to manufact- ure market pulp is expected to increase by 172,000 ton- nes, or 2.2 per cent. Mark- et pulp represents one-third _ of total pulp capacity, the release pointed out. Paperboard grades of paper are expected to reg- ister some increases over the next two or three years, while other grades of paper which includes kraft, spec- ialty, and sanitary papers indicate modest growth, in the region of one to two per cent over the same period. The two winners in the Terrace Bay Police-Force's Bicycle Safety Program this week happened to be cousins. At left is Tony Hanley, 8, with cousin Karac Cosman, 7. The awards, sponsored in part by Mary Cashmore of SunLife Insurance and the Royal Cana- dian Legion, are given to young cyclists who follow basic safe driving regulations. All plaque winners are now eligible for a draw on a brand new bicycle. Buy any one of our fine finished waterbeds between now and August 18th,# & if you're not Allan Brown, manager, Grand & Toy Ltd. 'When | travel | don't sleep as well as | do at COMPLETELY SATISFIED _ within 30 days from your date of puchase, we'll refund your money! *Ask our friendly staff for details of this special offer. John Somers, sales promotion manager, 580 CKPR Radio "I get a more restful Donna Walker, owner, Don-Art Crafts ""ve had back problems for years, but | haven't had a bad sleep since | night's sleep. | find my waterbed very relaxing, a lot more comfortable than a hard bed."' home on my waterbed. | find the waterbed much more comfortable."' bought my Floating Ecstasy waterbed. | wouldn't part with it now." 947 Memonial Ave. 345-3940 Open Monday-Friday 9:30-9:00 Saturday 9:30-6:00