Page &, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, March 12, 1986 by Helene Ballard Sorry I missed you all last week, but that nasty old flu bug hit this old gal and put me down for the count. Believe me, it sure takes all the stuffing out of a person, regardless of age. I guess most of the residents have been hit with it as well as some of our staff. They sure take good care of us here, whether we are well or not. Their con- cern and care is always the same and we thank them. Of course, due to illness, things have been very quiet here. No one had the pep to do anything, it seems, but get plenty of bed rest. However, on Friday, Feb. 28 the Ladies Aux- iliary to Birchwood Ter- race were in for a Penny Auction. This is something the residents really enjoy and always look forward to these afternoons. I was unable to attend, but was told that it was great fun. On behalf of the residents I want to thank these hard working ladies of the Auxiliary who do so much for us. God Bless. Some bad luck hit our dear Blanche Speck last Monday. She had a bad fall and broke her leg, the same one she broke last fall. Lam sure we all wish her well. She is at Port Arthur General if any one of you would like to send her a card. I am sure that will help cheer her up. We here at Birchwood wish Bon Voyage to our friend Pam Jones who is on her way for a nice visit to England. We hope she has a really enjoyable visit with her family and friends while she is there. No doubt you are all get- ting ready for that wonder- ful day, March 17. That's the day when there are on- ly two kinds of people in the world: the Irish and those who wish they were, so let's all try and wear something green on that day. Well, dear friends, this will be all for this week and in the meantime, stay well. Until next = week: Overheard at choir prac- tice, "Have you heard the new member sing yet?" "No, why?" **Her voice is like prune juice ... it goes right through you." Adios. 'Chalumeau' Wednesday March 19 8:00 p.m. Terrace Bay H.S. Concert Series like mommy? P.O. Box 212 | Schreiber, Ont. PoT 2W0 CHILDREN'S CORNER Health information and workshop kits were presented last month to the Public Libraries in both Schreiber and Terrace Bay by the Northwestern Ontario Women and Health Education Project. Here, project vice- president Donna Mikeluk, at left, is shown presenting one of the workshop books to Norah McGuire, Meeting held By Marilyn Chisholm The February meeting of the Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital was highlighted by a demonstration of back care by Bill Smilsky during our education period. This is mental retardation affects thousands of Canadians... You can reduce the odds Parents can avoid many birth related defects through sensible living habits. You should take these precautions: Stick to a well balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid excessive use of alcohol and non medical, drugs. Cut down or cut out smoking. . Ask your doctor to make sure you both have compatible blood types. Notify your doctor of any family history of retardation or other medical problems on both sides. Be sure you are immunized against German measles. Avoid excessive exposure to X-Rays. Get your doctor's approval before taking drugs or medication and take only what is necessary. Visit your doctor regularly ... and take his advice. Insist that your baby be given a P.K.U. test before leaving the hospital. It could mean preventing retardation before it occurs. To learn more about Mental Retardaton and to get involved call your local association for the mentally retarded Schreiber-Terrace Bay Association for the Mentally Retarded 824-2548 generally held after our business meeting and covers various subjects. He invited various members attending the meeting to try the exercises set out in the back care booklet handed out. During the next few months, we shall be fun- draising towards our goal of $12,000 for an EKG machine for the hospital. This month we are selling raffle tickets on a $500 grocery voucher, and this will be drawn on April 1, so don't be an April Fool and miss this great oppor- tunity to support the Auxiliary. As May is clean up and clean out month, we will be holding a Trash and Treasure Sale, and we would ask you for any items worth selling, such as hardcover books (no paper- backs, please), clothes, glassware, household items . in fact, anything you don't want that may be so- meone else's treasure. If you need items to be collected, watch for our posters which will give names and phone numbers of our "collectors". The date and time of the event will be announced on Com- munity TV. radio, on posters, and in the News. Hospital Day is on March 25 this year, so make a note on your calen- dar to visit the hospital and see the facilities we are for- representing the Schreiber Public Library Board, on February 26. Mikeluk pointed out that there will be a Project Workshop at the Schreiber Library on March 20 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. with the subject to be on Menopause. by Auxiliary tunate to have in this area. The Gift Shop will be open, there will be displays, and hospital board members will be giv- ing guided tours of the hospital. Hospital Day will run from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Our next meeting Is on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, when we shall be hav- ing some fun in our meeting as well as conduc- ting auxiliary business. Please come along and sup- port us. Programs are now on Minister of Tourism and Recreation, John Eakins. announced recently two programs to assist the development of recrea- tional facilities in_ the province. The government. is allocating $10 million tor the 1986-87 Capital Con- servation Program and $15 million for the Capital Grants for New Recrea- tional Facilities. **Because the amount of funding requested under this year's program was higher than anticipated, | am also pleased to report that $5 million from the 1986-87 Capital Conserva- tion allocation will be us- ed for applications already filed this fiscal year. These applications will be review- ed immediately" Eakins said In a recent news release. "Any remaining ap- plications on file that are not approved can be resub- mitted. They will be con- sidered for approval in the 1986-87 fiscal year." he added. The Capital Conserva- tion Program was created in 1985 for the express pur- pose of encouraging repairs and renovations to existing recreational facilities such as arenas, pools and com- munity centres. <>< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><F< Notice of General Meeting The next General Meeting of The Royal Canadian Legion (Terrace Bay Br. 223) will be held on March 16, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. All members are requested to attend as a Committee to study the feasibility of expanding the Legion will be selected. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><><K In his statement, Eakins also announced the $15 million lottery-funded Capital Grants Program for New Recreational Facilities. "Under this program, municipalities and com- munity groups can apply for assistance to construct new recreational projects such as community centres and sports facilities." he said. Girl Guides of Canada Guides du Canada Support the April Campaign. Please give.