ave and a Haircut Worth $400 ' : | /. et - we care Lett "HA ®) Gl ae : sige t' The two losers of the bet (or winners for Pee Wee Hockey) were Stan Greenwood (left) and Ed Barry (right). Yes folks - right now they're still smiling. It takes a special kind of person to submit himself to public betting, but these gentlemen above threw their hat in the ring and went through with the bet - all in the Gladu, the barber for the evenings event (seated); (Back - row - [-r) Dick Morriseau, Slim Dorman, Dave Smeltzer, Stan Greenwood and Rolly Sinotte. (Front interest of Pee Wee Hockey. Pictured above are: Cheryl .Row!-r) Lloyd Snider, Don Pawlett and Ed Barry. Wednesday, April 4, 1984 Terrace Bay Vol. 19 No. 14. 2 RE Saat am Public Library Terrace Bay POT 2WO Ontario CoCeoToF.N. i Terrace Bay Council Report The regular meeting of the Terrace Bay Council was held in Chambers on March 26th with all Council- lors and the Reeve in attendance. Prior to regular busi- ness, a delegation of local businessmen from Simcoe Plaza address- ed Council on the topic of sidewalk snow remo- val within the Plaza area. The By-Law which is now in effect stated that the town is respon- sible for snow removal from the side walks that 'are not classed as pri- 'vate property. Be- cause the merchants own the piece of side- walk in front of their stores, they are respon- sible for the mainten- ance of said sidewalk. This includes snow and ice removal. The _ busi- nessmen stated they did not have access to sand or ice as the township does, and it would make more sense if the town- ship saw that the side- walks were freed from ice and snow. Council then stated that the sidewalk maintenance would be paid by the taxpayer because of the time involved in main- taining them. Reeve Speer wished to resolve this matter, as he expressed concern for the safety of the peo- ple of Terrace Bay. Al- ready this year, there have been four separate incidents where people have slipped and fallen on this portion of side- walk because of the build up of ice and snow. He wants to make sure that this does not occur again under the same circumstances. Council will take the comments of the local businessmen and discuss this matter at greater length. Their decision will be made shortly. The meeting was then turned over to regular business. Minutes from the March 12 regular meet- ing and the March 19th special meeting, were adopted as read. Correspondence The Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Asso- ciation wrote to Coun- cil to express their con- cern about the conduct of the Recreation Di- rector at one of their recent meetings; as well, the Chairman of the Recreation Com- mittee also expressed concern over this mat- ter in a letter to Coun- cil. A delegation of pa- rents of Minor Hockey players along with Doug Roberts, President of the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association, were on hand to discuss this issue. Because Council felt that the letter dealt with person- nel hired by the town, it was decided that they would meet privately with two representatives from each of the Rec- reation Committee, the Minor Hockey Associa- tion, two concerned in- dividuals, as well as Council. This meeting was to be held on Tues- day, March 27th, in Council Chambers. The Minor Hockey Association also re- quested assistance from Council for the con- struction of a trophy case which is to be in- stalled in the Recreation Centre to house their memorabilia. Council will also deal with this matter during their meeting with Minor Hockey. NOMA sent advan- ce notice of their annual convention which is 4o be held at the Air- lane Hotel in Thunder Bay on May 3, 4, and Sth. Council is preparing to attend this very worthwhile conven- tion. The Community Plan- ning Advisory Branch of the Ministry of Muni- cipal Affairs and Hous- ing provided Council with advance notice of their annual Northwest- ern Ontario Planning Conference which is to be held in Kenora on September 13th and 14th. New Business Permission was grant- ed by Council for Peter Barz of the Public Works Department to attend a course on basic gas chlorination in Bramp- ton on April 30 through to May 4th. The Min- istry of the Environ- ment suggest that this course would be educa- tional and relevant to his work. Mr. Barz will at- tend at the expense of the municipality. Permission was also granted for Roy Corn- field of the Public Works Department. 'to attend the annual Canadian Public Works Exhibi- tion in Toronto on April 3rd, 4th and Sth. In- cluded in the exhibition will be various work- shops and seminars which are pertinent to his job. The Police Depart- ment requested that the Chief of Police attend the Chiefs conference, to be held in Timmins, and for Officer Smeltzer to attend an Advanced Training Course in Aly- mer, Ontario, during the first three weeks of continued on page 2 Cheryl with shears in hand, rids Ed Barry of his golden locks. Look at it this way Ed the hair cut was free . . . and you won't need another one for about a year. eas With somewhat of an oversized razor (handcrafted by a sporting fan) Cheryl rids Stan Greenwood of his 1971 moustache and his rather lengthy beard. The sign pictured above, says it all... '"NOGREATER LOVE HAS MAN... THAT HE GIVE UP HIS HAIR FOR PEE WEE HOCKEY". The Pee Wees certainly appreciate the efforts done in the Legion's fundraising project. Thanks go out to all those many people who contributed towards the event and a special thanks to Stan and Ed, who although they lost their hair... they came out of it being the biggest winners of all.