Terrace Bay Pee Wees honoured Last year's Terrace Bay Pee Wees were honoured for having won the 1982-83 North Shore Championship, by the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association. The team members were presented with championship crests by T. President Doug Roberts at a recent practice. 2 4 ioe i Front row: Jody Waldenberger, David Scollard, and Shane Harper. Middle row: Doug Roberts, Jon Figliomeni, Pat Hanley, Derek Bocher, Scott Trach, Michel Landochelle and Terry Singleton. Back row: David Heinrick, Jimmy Fournier, David Lalonde, Todd Gallagher, Tim Hanley, Richard Brassard, and Joe Davis. Absent: Wayne Slawson, Harry Kaari, and coaches Wes Fenton, Ted Hanley and Russ Phillips. Wednesday, February 21, 1984 Vol. 19 No.8 Terrace Bay Schreiber Prior to the February 13th Council meeting, the Terrace Bay Coun- cil met with Don Ross, McCausland Hospital Administrator and Council representative Dave Stewart, in order to question them about controversial matters that have been causing some concern with resi- dents of the North Shore. As stated by Reeve Speer at the commence- ment of the meeting, "Council is not trying to interfere but the coun- cillors have been quest- ioned about certain mat- ters which have recently arisen, and they also have some questions to present to you. The township of Terrace Bay have a great concern over the health services which are provided to their residents and also are concerned over the medical facilities and centre." Don Ross stated that there is definitely a lack of understanding and communications be- one . S Public L Library Bay "on+ iu Lario C.C.T, P ony el .N, ence. "Be My Valentine" contest WINNERS The "NEWS"' is pleased to announce the winners of the recent "Be My Valentine' con- test. We would also like to take this opportun- ity to thank the merchants and the individuals for their support in this venture. The winners may collect their prizes from the "NEWS"' office at their earliest conveni- The winners are as follows: Box of Chocolates - Pauline King [The Bay] Moreen Phillips [Schreiber Foodmarket] Karen Zaporzan [Sportsworld] Ken Johnson [Terry's Sight and Sound] D. Simpson [Kodila's Building Supplies} ' Doris Walton [Moore's] and Pat Boutette [Jody's Hairstyling and Bar- bering Shop]. Pat Boutette also is the winner of two free haircuts from Jody's (for her and her valentine). Congratulations go out to all the lucky' winners, and be on the lookout for a bigger and better Valentine's contest next year! "Up to their knees" Town Crews as well as many other maintenance personel were kept busy last week trying to rid themselves of the excessive water which lay throughout the town of Terrace Bay, as it did in the rest of the Northwest. Seen here are Jack Moore and Irwin Hegedus of The McCausland Hospital attempting to rid the hospital parking lot of the surplus water caused by the unexpected rains and early spring thaw. "We can support three doctors" tween the residents and the hospital board and that he was not at this meeting to discuss a recent letter written to both the township and the hospital by R. Mat- son. He also mentioned though, that he was pre- pared to discuss a num- ber of issues taken from Matson's letter. He said that people look to the hospital for total health care needs and that the hospital doesn't just serve the people of Terrace Bay; it also covers the need of the Rossport and Schreiber residents. Much concern has been expressed over the emergency care and treatment being con- ducied through the Mc- Causland Hospital and regarding this Ross said, "that the Emer- gency Department is covered every second of every day, 365 days of the year. Time is the issue here," he stated, '*not the absence of doc- tors in the emergency ward. On the average a patient is seen within 15 minutes of their arrival at the hospital, depend- ing on priority." He also mentioned that "80 to 90 per cent of all emer- gency admissions do not require emergency treatment. They are not life-and-death situa- tions. The hospital is very pleased with the present emergency situ- ations in comparison to most of the others along the North Shore. What patients consider is an emergency, is not ne- cessarily an emergency according to the doctor on call. Many of these situations can be dealt with by a professional nurse."' Another issued which was attacked in Mat- son's letter concerned the ambulance service for the North Shore. Ross in turn, stated that "'the ambulance service is a satellite service of the North Shore Ambu- lance Service. It is a private business being run by Mr. Pat Dingwell and the hospital has no role in this. But they do co-operate closely with them and assist them in overcoming problems which may crop up."' Reeve Speer wish- ed to locate the contact name and address of the person responsible for the Ambulance Service for Terrace Bay, so that Council could direct any future questions direct- ly to that person. Other issues brought up pertained to the re- cruitment of doctors to the Terrace Bay area. On that matter, much discussion was_ given. Ross assured Council that everything that could be done in this regard, was being done. 'As Council is well aware, the hospital is actively involved in Dr. Copeman's Doctor Re- cruitment Programme and thus far we have interviewed two pros- pects last month, with three more coming up this month."' 'People are misled when they believe that Terrace Bay has only one doctor. This state- ment is false. Terrace Bay has two full-time doctors, both having full hospital privileges. Dr. Adey on the other hand does not carry full hospi- tal privileges. He has a private medical prac- tice and does not work through the hospital,' said Ross. Dr. Lau and Dr. Wilkes both have full privileges and these include permission from the hospital board for all admissions and dischar- ging rights as well as working on an on-call basis. The Board's pol- icy concerning privile- ges for doctors is one that they take full res- ponsibility for. They have the right to permit or refuse these rights. As it stands right now, Terrace Bay is in the position to handle three (3) full-time doctors and this is what the Board is aiming for. He also stat- ed that the hospital has no say over what the two doctors do in their pri- vate enterprises. This is a private business and the hospital only pro- vides them with the fa- cilities to operate. The clinic within the hospi- tal, being used by the doctors is not ruled by the board, and what that doctor chooses to do with his practice is strictly out of the hospi- tal's hands. Speer expressed con- cern over the future re- cruitment of doctors for this town and wanted to know what Council could do to get involved in this matter. Ross assured him that the matter was being seriously look- ed into, and that the Council is already in- volved through their fin- ancial assistance, for which they have been generous in giving. Ross also stated that 'lead time' is an issue here. Doctors' positions can- not be filled imme- diately due to the fact that the town and the hospital have to 'be sold." The doctors must be attracted to the area first, and this can some- times be difficult to do, considering the area in which we live. The big seller in our case'is the hospital itself. Ross stat- ed that Terrace Bay has one of the best equip- ed hospitals in the -northwestern area. Mc- Causland was the first to obtain the ultra- sound machine as well as one of the best labo- ratories along the North Shore. They have just received approval to start up a full service blood bank which is scheduled to commence operation in June. "All of these are a plus in doctor recruitment,' stated Ross. Council then directed other questions to both Stewart and Ross and were successful in ob- taining answers to most of them. Ross welcom- ed their concern, and thanked them for the op- portunity to discuss these matters. with them. TERRACE BAY WELCOMES TO THE NORTH SHORE JAMBOREE '84 Wawa Arnprior Nakina Geraldton Red Rock Marathon Hornepayne Chapleau