Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, February 8, 1984 ethers Dear Ms. Park: As I stated during a recent phone call with Mr. Doug Roberts and Mrs. Mary Cashmore, I am writing the execu- tive to request that the Registration fee for my son's minor hockey sea- son be refunded. I feel that the executive has again failed to provide a suitable hockey program and ice time for the Mites. I realize that four weeks of ice time was lost due to an equip- ment failure, and two weeks at Christmas be- cause of holidays, but since the start of the New Year, the problem is not improving or be- ing corrected. Since January 21, 1984, the Mites group has con- stantly been relieved of their ice time on Sun- day, resulting in their receiving only one hour per week. On checking with Minor Hockey peo- ple and the Recreation Director, the problem appears to continue until the end of February. I realize that the Mites' group is large and is split into two groups, but one hour's ice time is totally unac- ceptable to me as a parent and to my son as a participant in your hockey program. Prior to registering my son, I asked three members of the present executive at the regis- tration booth, if the problem of weekend ice time being lost would occur again this year. They assured me that no ice time for the Mites would be lost. These are MUMIA Aabtasninmtan -- seat een sequent CEE TT you. Like the "Small World", a "Small Town" sha moved we've been by all your tho one Margaret. We've been overw'! cards and charitable contributions. A special t ladies of the U.C.W. for the lunch and dinner. Thank You "It's a world of laughter, a world of tears, it's a world of hopes and a world of fears, There's so much that we share That it's time we're aware It's a Small World after all." The Spillane Family. res your laughter and your tears. How hts and kindnesses in the loss of our loved elmed by the donations of food, flowers, hank you to the bearers, and the] | We will always remember. Thank § | yy J) pL GAUNVANRRE NAD vit pinyin va steteas ee an ", ( e (( ° Schreiber & Terrace Bay Arenas g +2 Weekend, Daily & Game passes available @% @ ® 7. & 3 Y 20 e ee DANCE Ko) r Saturday Night oe. & 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. ove "S Music by: Garrison KD SS $5.00 per person \@) ON All held at the Schreiber Recreation Complex under a % of * Special Occasion Permit 4 © fap: 'oO © JUMP IN THE CAR... IT'S NOT FAR... WEEKEND PACKAGES accommodation & litts won $4O "MILE NSEAY FRED AN PARENTS: KOON LIFTS @ Option to ski anv of 4 resorts! HOTELS @ All 5 & 4 star with pools, saunas, restaurants and more .. - RESERVATIONS 1-807-623-0345 TOLL FREE IN CANADA 1-800-465-6950 eo Fe ae ey ae anna et 12 teams Friday Night - All day Saturday - All day Sunday PSB 14D) (SEL QHsSBe tol" C8: GID" OSw SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY 4th ANNUAL INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Feb. 17, 18, 19, 1984 \ ® SGm>® Fi Ose E>. e J @!) $@s 8. @ NS ~ / ¢€ } Gre VA \ RPS EDR OSS WLS? L- the youths you are try- ing to build a future program on. They are the future Atoms, Pee- wees, etc. This is the largest single group in Minor Hockey in Ter- race Bay this year. If the purpose of Min- or Hockey is to de- velop hockey funda- mentals, sportsman- ship and team nlay, the executive has failed the young members of the Mites' team and their coaches. Both Mr. Doug Roberts, President, and Mrs. Mary Cashmore, Vice-President, agree with me that the pro- gram lacks, and I have good reason to be con- cerned. The two of them felt. 1 am justified in Registration fee refund? requesting the return of my registration fee, and I trust the executive will agree and return it. In closing, I would like to remind the executive that for two years in a row, the Minor Hockey Executive has failed to provide a suitable pro- " gram for the young par- ticipants whose inter- ests they claim to repre- sent. The controversies in- volving the execut- ive, its methods and be- beliefs, are not those of the parents and players. Perhaps it's time for the present executive to re- assess it's position be- fore the Minor Hockey . Program in Terrace Bay comes to a bitter end. Sincerely, Russ Phillips "To play or not to play" Dear Editor: To play or not to play? The Canadian Ama- teur Hockey Associa- tion is the governing body for all Amateur Hockey played in Cana- da. They have a Con- stitution for this pur- pose - Article 3 - Object- ives (A) - Its objectives are to foster and encour- age the sport of amateur hockey throughout Ca- nada. (B) - To foster and encourage leadership programmes in all areas related to the develop- ment of hockey in Cana- da. They also have sev- eral other objectives, There has to be Dear Ms. Park: Do we as residents of the North Shore area have a hospital we can be proud of? Do we have the full medical ser- vices that we come to expect as normal? There's no doubt in my mind the answer is no. There's no doubt in my mind the answer is no to both questions. There have been a number of occasions that has helped me to reach this decision. Why should we have to go to Thunder Bay for non- emergency medical treatments? Many do. We have a full new medical facility here, that other communi- ties would be proud- of. All these questions are foremost in my mind. When I think of the way this hospital is being run it makes me sick. When you consider the size of the area that this hospi- tal serves (Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat) and the num- ber of staff doctors - it's pathetic! I strongly feel that one man, and one man alone, is running -- PL ARRAS ( CANADA atu AD PER PERSON 50 but it is interesting that the above, are listed numbers one and two. The North Shore Min- or Hockey Association also has a constitution - 'Article 4 - Objects: (A( -Promote and improve hockey for ALL boys of juvenile age and un- der, who wish to compete! (E) Ensure that good sportsman- ship prevails among its members, youth, and adults alike." Hockey in the North Shore was going through problems in re- gards to the numbers of players in Bantam, Mid- our hospital. I have sent out seven letters of complaint and to this date, have re- - ceived five replies. One reply stressed a great concern and was going to look into it further. The other four replies passed the buck! One letter said "Complaints regarding physician schedules be referred to members of our Hospi- tal Board'. As oi this date, I have not had a reply from them. This letter also states~"Ter- race Bay is on a current list designated as under- serviced for two addi- tional physicians. "' Will they be able to operate out of our hospi- tal? When we had the old hospital and half of the current population, we had four doctors in the hospital. Personally I don't call that pro- gress..Going from four doctors down to one, is not my idea of a gain in medical services. We need more doctors work- ing out of this hospital! Ambulance service is another question. Does it always give quick res- ponse? No! Not so. How long should it take for the ambulance to come from the hospital to the place where it was sum- moned? Six to ten min- utes. Try 35-40 min- utes. They run on a beeper system, whereas if a person on call doesn't report his beep- er number, that causes great problems. Which it has. Ina case like this, they have to go down their call list until they By this time, it can be too late. There has to be a better system. I don't like the idea of being admitted to a hos- find someone available. | gets, and Juveniles; as a result the three and two minute rules came into effect. This resulted in a dramatic increase in numbers in the Pee Wee and Bantam levels and would have gone right up through all divisions. This year Schreiber has less than twelve (12) players in Midgets and Terrace Bay has 13. The next level up is Jr. B. This year in order to form a hockey club (there is only one club in the area), the Schreiber North Stars had to have players from Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Marathon and Nipigon. -Only a short. time ago there were several Jr. Clubs in this area. So I ask you - is the North Shore Minor Hockey Association ser- ving its own constitution or not? Hockey is a great sport and one that can help the development of its participants. Hockey is not there for one player or six players, but for a team effort. So I suggest, if you have any interest in your child's participation in hockey, you had better get involved. Yours in hockey, John I. Souliere a better system! a physician. To say the least, I'm fed up and want to see something done about the situation and damn soon. I am sure I'm not alone. Sincerely yours, Roma Matson Terrace Bay The Corporate Cup | Challenge The Seventh Annual Sibley Ski Tour will be held this year on March * 3rd. This will be the second year that Kam Motors has sponsored the Corporate Cup Chal- lenge. All schools, clubs or businesses are encour- aged to participate in this year's event. The Corporate Cup is award- ed to the club, school or business completing the most number of kilo- metres during the tour. The aim of the Sibley Ski Tour is to provide a fun and challenging event for skiers of all abilities. People can ski either 20 km., 40 km., or 50 km. distance in the beautiful wilderness of Sibley Provincial Park. There are snack and aid stations along each route so that' skiers can rest and stretch out tired mus¢les or have a drink of water or hot choco- late. The Sibley Ski Tour Committee hopes that you will encourage par- ticipation in the 1984 Sibley Tour and take up the Kam Motors Cor- porate Cup Challenge. Entry deadline for the Challenge is February 40° 4AX0A For more informa- tion, please contact Sheelagh Lehmberg at 623-2711, ext. 2441. The 1984 Sibley Ski Tour is supported by Thunder Bay Parks and Recreation Depart- ment. continued from page 6 tional Hockey Tourna- ment throughout the hockey season. So why must these adults win at North Shore (House League) hockey games? Ask the players! I would hope that concerned minor hockey parents and players alike voice their opin- ions and viewpoints. These adults must be reminded that they rep- resent minor hockey players and in turn should govern the needs and interests of play- ers, not themselves. Respectfully submit- ted, A Hockey Coach Note: The decision was made during the National Minor Hockey Player Week (Minor Hockey is for the Play- er).