- Letter to the Editor The Canadian Indian | The Editor: Indians on reserves can, for practical. pur- poses of government, claim only Canadian citizenship and not pro- vincial citizenship. And the Metes, such as live more or less according to the Indian culture, have, in effect, no citi- zenship although before the law they are full citi- zens. This means simply that the elaborate pro- vincial services for health, welfare, high- ways, industrial de- velopment, technical training and what-have- you are in practice not fully available to Indian- cultre people. One of the most valuable practical actions would be an arrangement between federal and provincial governments to extend the full range of pro- vincial services to in- clude the reserves. The Indians of Cana- da, the fifty tribes, have established an inde- pendent Indian voice in the National Indian Brotherhood and its do- zen or so member or- ganizations. The voice is harsh. The president has said from a prepared text: "The servants be- came the dictators, the tyrants, the empire builders: the people to be served became the oppressed, the victims of colonial white sup- remist mentality. Unless they are willing to ac- cept our culture and our identity, they, the bureaucrats, the face- less, anonymous deci- sion-makers for the Fed- eral Government, will continue to multiply the social problems they have created, instead of solving them. The fail- ure of the Indian Affairs Branch stems from their preoccupation with do- ing for people instead of doing with them -- a preoccupation that des- troys the dignity and arouses the hostility of the people who are sup- posed to be helped."' The indictment of civil servants is natural enough: they are the only official contact In- dians have with the whole framework of Canadian government. But the civil servants, like the Indians, are In eight weeks time, give or take a day or so, the Terrace Bay Fall Fair will be very much in evidence in the com- munity. During the summer, we all have a tendency to think, "Oh, there is still lots of time left." But, time has a way of creeping up on us. In sheer panic, we rush and get moving! There are numerous displays and sale areas already booked. New partici- pants from as far away as Manitouwadge, as BRING THE WORLD INTO YOUR BACKYARD Complete System Starting from | $274,950 locked into a situation they are powerless to alter. As modern Indians seek a just and proper role in Canadian society they are. shackled psy- chologically by the sense of ancient wrong for which they demand Terrace Bay Fail Fair well as some of last year's participants have reserved space. The Fall Fair is in its second season, and is open to anyone to sell, or display their crafts, hobbies or skills. Local businesses in the com- munity may wish to display their latest line of merchandise; how- Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 13, 1983, page 9 atonement by modern white Canadians. Con- versely the white society is cursed with its own traditional value- systems which are in conflict with modern reality. = If it remains true in Canada that civil ser- ever no business may sell their goods or ser- vices at the Fair. Ser- vice groups, clubs, and teams are also encour- aged to reserve space to promote their activities. A new addition this year is the "Award for the Top 3 Best Decorat- ed Booths." A booth is the space you reserve. McKellar Hospital. EES Thank-You | would like to thank my Family and Friends for their gifts, flowers and cards, during my stay in the Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Mainman, the Nursing Staff of The McCausland Hospital, Bandage 3, Dr. Baunemann and the 5th Floor Nursing Staff of Carrie and Kirstyn Irwin Thank you, -------- WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT vants are indeed ser- vants and not masters, then the Canadian pub- lic, its parliament and its legislatures are indeed playing the role of the Pharisee. And all the great qualities which In- dians developed over the millenia will contin- Participants are also en- couraged to get into the full spirit and dress ac- cordingly. Plaques will be awarded to the top 3 best decorated booths. Booth space is 8' x 8' and an 8' table is pro- vided. Space is now ue, as always, to be turned against them -- when they could become a vital and magnificent segment of Canadian society. Yours truly, _R. McNeil available, and will be reserved on a_ first- come, first-served ba- sis. Call the Recreation Office now at 825-3542 to reserve your booth. Make Fall Fair '83 a success. Plan now to participate! Terrace Bay "/awne 3 Cinema 825-3/71 NORRIS gf Thurs. 14, Fri. 15, Sat. 16 LONE WOLF McQUADE Sun. 17, Mon. 18 IT'S 22 YEARS LATER. AND NORMAN BATES IS COMING HOME. ror una by lzieramates A UNIVERSAL-OAK PICTURE PRE aera Sete ne Ope nates July 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 If you thought i the night before GO J wasfunny, S wait till you see pig the next day. "Testbud Day. SIMOW/REEVES/LANDSBURG PRODI CTIONS AND ASTRAL BELLEVUE PATHE INC. Present BOB CLARK'S PORKY'S II: THE NEXT Day Qoremg Executive Producers MELVIN SIMON. HAROLD GREENBERG and ALAN LANDSBURG Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ryan of Schreiber . are pleased to announce the forth For More Information Call coming marriage of their daughter CENTRAL TELEVISION COLLEEN Satellite Systems & Components ' COREY 615 Memorial Avenue son of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fischer of ; Sunday 8:30 p.m. Thunder Bay Schreiber. The Wedding will take place ee ence eyo p.m. 344-5011 on Saturday, July 16, 1983 at Holy Fri. 7-00 & 9:00 Angels Church, Schreiber, at 3:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 p.m. Hearing loss is our concern THANK-YOU Pe Pin Sm : 9 THE CORPORATION The Canadian Hearing Society "OF THE We would like to thank all those who No. 203 - 135 N. Syndicate Avenue organized and participated in making Thunder Bay, Ontario Phone (807) 623-1646 TOWNSHIP OF our Stag and Doe a great success. shi = TERRACE BAY Bonny and George Miller PROSPECTORS - EXPLORATION COMPANIES: CONTRACT NO. 83 -2 Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Township of Terrace Bay will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 20, 1983 for the hauling and grading of 2,000 cubic yards of granular material for runway shoulders at the Terrace Bay Municipal Airport. SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY-MARATHON The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources will provide an economic geologist to visit, assay and advise you on the potential of any mineral occurrence you may have staked, or know the location of in the Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Marathon areas. This service is provided free of charge. The Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Marathon economic geologist program encompasses an area from Nipigon east to Marathon. This program is funded by the Ministry of Northern Affairs. For further information call (collect): Bernie Schnieders 'RETIREMENT PARTY The Borden Ross family wishes to extend an invitation to all his Relatives, Friends and Co- Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the under- signed. Tenders will be opended publicly at 2:00 p.m. local time, Wednesday, July 20, 1983 in the Council chambers, 12 Simcoe Resident Geologist's Office - ; workers to an OPEN RECEPTION Mansy of Natal Rese Ss teres Bey, Cotorio. in the New Legion Hall, in (807) 475-1331 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Schreiber on Friday, July 15th from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., in M. L. Simmer, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, honour of his retirement from the Ministry of inna ate i Goh Township of Terrace Bay, C.P. Rail, with 43 years of service. Natural ams P.O. Box 40, One Resources te Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO < ORSON tee EOS Oe ee ee ee SUAS ek PE