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Terrace Bay News, 6 Jul 1983, p. 2

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Page 2,T continued from page 1 the "permanent tempor- ary' trailers at the Aquasabon Falls Trailer Park'. "If your answer is 'yes', and you legally want an organized Trail- _ er Park, then we must go through the proper legal procedures. We must change the by-law and be aware of all the implications of having a permanent trailer park in Terrace Bay, and we must make the citizens of Terrace Bay aware of these. implications. We must think of the added costs to the taxpayers in supplying municipal ser- vices to a permanent trailer park - sewers, water, garbage collec- tion, school busing, etc., ete."* "Now, if you have decided that your answer is 'no' to that question Do you want an organized permanent trailer park in Terrace Bay - I wish to make the following motion:"' "Whereas it was never the intent to have a permanent Trailer park in the Township of Terrace Bay, and Whereas the Aquasabon Falls ~Trailer Park is AY oy " < g * wy a Panio OS Be GEM FESTIVAL FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING Sat. and Sun. July 16 & 17 errace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 6, 1983 Trailer Park Debat presently being operat- ed in violation of by-law #318 of the Township of Terrace Bay. Therefore be it resolved that the owner of the Aquasabon Falls Trailer Park. be instructed to inform any persons living in the Aquasabon Falls Trailer Park on a permanent basis that they must vacate said premises by September Ist, 1983, or Council will take the steps necessary to cor- rect the situation by enforcing the Zoning by- law #318."' Reeve Speer said, "We have. a motion moved by Ollie Chap- man, is there a second- er". There was com- plete silence around the Council table and in the Council chamber for al- most two minutes as the Reeve said nothing and waited for another mem- ber of the Council to second the motion. The Reeve then said, "There being no seconder, we can not entertain the motion." Councillor Chapman then continued to read from her statement. "'IF your answer is not 'no' to that question - Do you want an organized permanent trailer park in Terrace Bay? - then it must be 'yes' .- and I wish to make the follow- ing motionsBe it resolv- ed that the Town Coun- cil of Terrace Bay take whatever steps neces- sary to change*the Zon- ing by-law #318 so that a permanent organized Trailer legally established -- in Terrace Bay, not neces- sarily at the Aquasabon site."' Reeve Dave Speer said, "'We have a motion moved by Coun- cillor Ollie Chapman, do we have a seconder."' Again there was com- plete silence in the room, and again the Reeve waited almost two minutes as the Council- lors waited tensely, without so much as moving their papers. The Reeve finally broke the silence by saying, "There being no sec- onder, we can not enter- tain the motion." Councillor Chapman again began reading from her prepared state- ment. "Whereas_ the Park can" be COME AND GO 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. COMMUNITY CENTER SHOWER HWY.-11-17 will be held PEARL, ONTARIO in honour of Bride Elect A 45 minute drive east of Thunder Bay COLLEEN RYAN © Demonstrations ° Unique Souvenirs St. John's Anglican Church Basement e 'Pickin Pile' e Specimens / " e Boutiques... 4 Snack Bar 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. e Films © Camping near by Sun., July 10, 1983 e Music, Entertainment © Childrens Playground EVERYONE WELCOME G7 COMING ALIVE! LAKE NIPIGON RIDING PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES It's first Annual Mini Convention and Annual Meeting. July 23 & 24, 1983 at the Schreiber Community Complex. The guest speaker will be THE HONORABLE LARRY GROSSMAN - MINISTER OF HEALTH. Registration fees Plan A $30.00 per person, includes Saturday, July 23, Dinner and Dance, Sunday, July 24, 12:00 noon, Ministers Luncheon. Plan B $25.00 per person includes Saturday, Dinner and Dance. Pian C Scheduie: (members only). Saturday 23rd - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. - Dance cash bar Sunday 24th - 12:00 noon - Progressive Conservative $5.00 per person includes Dance only DRESS: SEMI-FORMAL (no jeans please) THE EVENT OF THE YEAR: DON'T MISS IT!!! - symposium cash bar, 6:30 p.m. > Dinner, 9:30 p.m. - Minister's Luncheon, 2:00 p.m. - Lake Nipigon Riding Associations Annual Meeting f For further information contact Joe Figliomeni 824-2234 or 824-2037 or Mike Spadoni 824-2629 or 824-2733. Tickets can be purchased at Costa's Foodmarket in Terrace Bay and Schreiber Foodmarket in Schreiber. or the Election of Officers. ------ President Secretary EVERYONE WELCOME! Treasurer Town Council of Terrace Bay cannot decide whether or not it wants a permanent trailer park in Terrace Bay. There- fore be it resolved that a special committee be appointed to study the Zoning by-law #318, as it-applies to the Aquasa- bon Falls-Trailer Park. . This committee to con- sist of two Town Coun- cillors, the Town Engin- eer, and a member of the Planning Board." For the third time the Reeve said, "We have a motion moved by Coun- cillor Chapman, is there a seconder." And for the third and final time the Council waited in stoney silence until the e-2 Reeve said, "There being no seconder, we can not- entertain the motion." With the final ruling from the Chair, Council- lor Chapman turned sharply to the other members sitting at the Council table and said, "I do not believe it. I do not believe you gentle- 9 men". -"(Editor's Note: By publishing or printing any quotation or docu- ment 'in this' article implying or stating as a fact that Normac Ltd., the' Aquasabon Falls Trailer Park or its pro- prietors or agents is Transition House Confusion continued from page 1 solution to the problem of a shelter for battered women, Project Mayday recommends that they as a committee be in- cluded in formulating an approach to negotiations between the municipali- ties and the provincial government." In announcing the program is the Legisla- ture, Drea said, ""When I spoke to the Standing Committee on Social Development when that committee was dealing with family violence and child abuse earlier this year, I promised to take a look at assisting wo- men who have been victims of this tragedy." I am pleased to have the opportunity, today, to announce to the Honourable Members that my Ministry will immediately implement a program to help those in crisis. This program - called '"'Family Resource Cen- tres" will serve the com- munities of Northern Ontario. Women in cris- is and especially those who are victims of abuse will be helped. Over the next two years, my Ministry will spend $1.68 million on capital expenses to con- struct 12 eight-bed cen- tres, or homes, in rural communities with popu- lations under 12,000 people. Six of them, four in municipalities and two on indian reserves, will be started later this summer or early fall. We intend to engage our municipal partners in a co-operative ven- ture. This will be an opportunity for all levels of government, as well as community spirited- groups, to be creatively responsive to the needs of the north for support services. To facilitate immedi- ate commencement of these projects, my Min- istry will provide 100 per cent of the capital funds necessary to build these homes in Northern Ont- ario. The ongoing opera- tion will be a partner- ship between the munic- ipality and the province, Terrace Bay BARBER SHOP will be open July 6 -9.a.m. to 12 noon 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. July 7 to 13 - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. July 14, 15 -9a.m. to 12 noon 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. July 16 to 22 - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m, July 23, 25 -9 a.m. to 12 noon 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. guilty of a violation of any law or by-law, this paper intends to place the facts of the Terrace Bay Township Council debate of Monday, June 27, before the public. This paper acknowled- ges that by doing so it may make itself vulner- able to legal action for publishing a libel, how- ever, its sole intention and purpose is to fairly and responsibly inform the public, and it in no way intends to either endorse or discredit any such 'charge of a viola- . tion of a law or by-law by Normac Ltd., the Aquas- abon Falls Trailer Park, its 'proprietors or agents.) with a guarantee of base-funding - by us - during the initial start- up. We will also work closely with local munic- ipalities to ensure the fullest of co-operation and support. Each of the centres will provide emergency housing and support services to abused wo- men - those under phys- ical, social and emotion- al stress - along with single mothers and elderly women. In addition, counsel- ling will be purchased on a_ fee-for-service basis under the General Welfare Act. The women, who will be living in the homes, will share the responsi- bilities of household duties, such as cooking and housekeeping. Drifting Continents Florida was once attached to Africa, and parts of Georgia are still there. Pieces of Alaska used to be down near the equator. Over millions of years the con- tinents have drifted thousands of miles, riding on the backs of huge plates that form the Earth's crack- ed crust. They travel in very slow motion, atarateof 1 to Sinchesa year, in almost every direction but south. Thick Steak If you're broiling steak, make sure it's at least one inch thick. You'll have a difficult time get- ting a medium-rare steak or any special degree of doneness witha thin steak. Low Calories On a diet? Marinate vegetables in salad dressing to pack in a plas- tic container for low calorie pic- nicking. NOTICE Council meetings are regularly held the second and fourth Mondays of each month. During July and August there will only be one meet- ing per month. The dates are July 25th and August 22nd Regular Council meetings are open to the public. Township of Terrace Bay

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