Schreiber Council Economic Development continued from page 1 going to have anymore lots for sale in the new subdivision." Reeve Fischer continued, "This is the policy we established for this sub- division. We may want to change the policy for another subdivision."' One of the property owners asked, "What about leasing the lot?" Councillor Mike Cos- grove said, "No, I can't see that. Suppose some- one comes along and wants to buy the lot the next week." The Reeve summed up the consen- sus of the Council to the delegation's request to purchase the additional property, "I guess all I can say gentlemen is that we pretty well have to stay with the policy we have now to be fair. When we sell lots in another subdivision we may want to review this."' Minutes The Minutes of the previous regular meet- ing and of a special meeting held on April 19 were adopted. In reviewing the Minutes Councillor Burton Phil- lips commented on the Spring Clean Up work and said, "I suggest that the town crew put a tarp over the loads on the way to the dump, otherwise we are going to get a fine."' Sale of the Property On a motion by Coun- cillor Larry Dunwoody, seconded by Mike Cos- grove, the Council agreed to sell lots 1, 2, and 3 on Quebec Street to Speziale Enterprises Ltd. for $22,500. The Township of Ter- race Bay and the Mc- Causland Hospital Board are sending a joint letter to the Minis- try of Health requesting ambulance be maintained at the hospi- tal permanently. The Schreiber Council was requested to join the other two bodies in sign- ing the letter. Reeve Fischer said, "] want to Arena THANK YOU I'd like to thank all my family and friends for the cards and flowers, | received while hospitalized. Special thanks to our neighbours who sent baking and to Doctors Wilkes and Perales for their professional care. To Mrs. Carol Just, Marathon, and the entire McCausland nursing staff, your humour and bedside manner made my stay seem shorter than it was. Sincerest thanks to Mrs. Lise Demers and Mrs. Pam Paradis (and their under- standing husbands) who stepped in to run The Cedar Salon, which otherwise would have been closed last month. To everyone who helped, may | say that | really understand the true meaning of "small-town friendships". 'Neldine Mikus make it clear that we are giving Terrace Bay the strongest possible sup- port in this.' The Coun- cil discussed the matter and agreed to have the letter signed jointly and to take whatever other action was needed to secure the additional ambulance for Terrace Bay. : Committee Reports The Finance Com- mittee reported that the "budget is close to com- pletion. Wé are awaiting the final requisition from the Lake Superior Board of Education" be- fore setting the new mill rate. Councillor Burton Phillips reported on be- half of the Roads Com- mittee. "The road signs are slowly being straightened out and we are getting up the signs to show people how to get back to highway #17. We are getting a new broom for the street sweeper and we can get started filling people's houses with dust."' Councillor Phillips al- so reported that 8 addi- tional building permits have been issued, and that the value of con- struction to date in May is 52/2/45. Reeve Fischer said, "That is a very nice report. It's good to see that building going on."' The Cemetery Com- mittee reported that they are continuing to study the construction of a vault at the ceme- tery. Quotations so far range from $30,000 to $76,000. Fire Chief Pete Doig reported, "We are hav- ing a problem with the older fire truck. We have been trying to get new seals for the truck. We have been trying to get the proper seals. We have ordered temporary seals from Winnipeg. The problem is the age Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 25, 1983, page 3 THE CONVINCER'S GONNA GET YA! Who or what's the "CONVINCER"? It's a simple little device designed to give you a jolt -- a 5 mph jolt that could convince you that seatbelts are worth wearing! If you're a dyed-in-the-wool, anti-seatbelter, we challenge you to come and try out "THE CONVINCER" and see if you don't change your thinking. Let us show you that seatbelts save injury, even at 5 mph! Terrace Bay Police and Kimberly-Clark, with the 'generous support of the O.P.P., are jointly sponsoring this demonstration from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25, 1983 at the TERRACE BAY ARENA. E33 KIMBERLY-CLARK OF CANADA LIMITED | of the truck." RESIDENTS The Council received apeinnsearten | DOG LICENCES the Town Engineer of the drainage problem in ' the north end. The En- gineer recommended Owners, harbourers or possessors of dogs are hereby reminded that Wardrope and As- : ; : : : that dogs must be registered, described and licenced on or sociated be retained to Laos h complete the drainage pte eect 1983: rae . study for the R-270/R- Dog Tags are now available at the Municipal Office. 270 drainage area. The Male Dog $15.00 : oy. ' Gollicide aithorized the Female Dog Spayed $15.00 (Veterinary Certificate Required) study, which is to have a Female Dog $25.00 maximum cost. of . $18,500. Reeve Harold Eanes, Gickee: sale "What Dep. Clerk-Treasurer finalizes the subdivi- Township of Terrace Bay sion to the point where Terrace Bay, Ontario we could move over- night if we have to. If somebody comes in and wants 50 lots we have SO lots."' Another Subdivision The Ministry of Hous- ing wrote to the Council: U.T.U. and B.L. of E. to inform them that a sitt"toopr'e | RETIREMENT DANCE posing to develop a sub- division in the area known as R-270 be- June 3rd., 1983 tees sistant «Late SCHREIBER RECREATION COMPLEX Se ek "Phe Coun. from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. cil discussed the pro- posed subdivision and agreed to approve its Music by construction provided " " : he Aeveldaee ae pre NORTHERN LITES from Dorion pared to enter into an $15.00 per couple agreement that will en- $8.00 single sure that proper curb Tickets available from and gutter works are constructed. The plans were referred eg the R. McParland, 824-2640 Town Engineer before : L. Davis, 824-3110 the final approval is N. Lemieux, 824-2017 signed. Economic Development Seminars : The Council. received EVERYONE WELCOME er fro errace : Bay Reeve Dave Speer Sorry No Minors inviting the Township to an Economic Develop- ment Seminar being held on June 10 in Ter- race Bay. MP Keith continued on page 9 & Employment and Emploi et ImmigrationCanada Immigration Canada To help students find work and to service employers seeking help throughout the summer. For more information, please contact: | C4 a a a a Virginia Stortini Student Placement Officer TELEPHONE: 625-3740 | Canada