Project Mayday ... continued from page 1 price, however, it is within our discretion to allow the customer to deal directly with Con- sumer and Corporate Affairs. It's probably the better approach anyway. Once the customer. con- tacts Consumer and Cor- porate Affairs, Hydro is obligated to do it. So, probably the best thing is just to provide the forms here in the off- ice:"% The Council decided to rescind the previ- ous Motion increasing the metre dispute fee in light of the new informa- tion. Councillor Ollie Chap- man said that the best tender on the old Zam- boni in the Arena came in from Nakina at $7500 for the tractor, ice con- ditioner and spare parts. The Council decided to sell the Zamboni to Na- kina. Reeve Speer said, "Tam going to suggest that if Nakina requests it, that they be allowed to pay half this year and half next year. They are having a rough time up there with the CN pull- ing out and this doesn't affect us one way or the other. We still get our money."' The Council agreed with the sug- gestion. Councillor Chapman said, "I also want to let you know that the $7500 Winta- rio grant for the new machine has been ap- proved." Hydro Commissioner Joe Kennedy said that he and the Reeve would be meeting with Ontar- io Hydro's representa- tives to discuss who should pay for the up- JUSTIN TIME FOR SPRING RE-DECORATING! We have an excellent selection of NEW quality made living room suites on hand prices to fit any budget. available. Department Store Family Fashions . . . Schreiber from fabrics to furniture, all under one friendly roof. Details: Limited tickets are available. We also have many specially marked furniture So, come in today and take a look at our fine selection of quality household furnishings. grading of the Hydro line from Aquasabon Falls to the townsite. Ontario Hydro feels the town should pay the $35,000 cost and the town feels that the line is outside the Terrace Bay Hydro Commis- sion's limits and is Ont- ario Hydro's_ responsi- bility. Under Committee Re- ports Councillor Ollie Chapman said that the Figure Skating Club had requested $400 a con- tribution from the Town- ship forthe team's trip to the National's in Lon- don. Council voted in favour of the $400 contr- ibution on a motion by Councillor Chapman, seconded by Councillor Bill Houston. Voting for the motion Councillor George Ramsay said, "It seems like a reason- able amount."' Councillor Bill Hous- ton recommended, and the Council approved, the purchase of a used items still TERRACE BAY CURLING CLUB WINDUP Friday, May 13th Where: Terrace Bay Legion Hall Meal catered to by Faye and Linda Figliomeni When: Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Dance - 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music by: Nick DeShane Cost: Dinner and Dance - $25.00 per couple $12.50 single First Come First Serve They may be purchased from: Bob Churchley Payment must accompany purchase. NCR cash register at a cost of $400 for the res- taurant in the Recrea- tion Centre. Councillor Houston also said that he and the Reeve had met with Walter F. Groman and Al Chisholm of Kim- berley-Clark. "It was an informal session to get to know each other." "As a corporate citi- zen they are definitely interested in the com- munity, its interests and its welfare." Councillor Houston Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 6, 1983, page 3 Reeve Speer said, "One of the things we discus- sed was the availability of land for commercial development. As you know there is none left now. They are agree- able to freeing up more land. Based on this, I think we can expect to see more land designa- ted for commercial de- velopment available in the near future."' Police and Fire Chair- man George Ramsay said, "We have been receiving a couple of dog Hemlo receives support Three exploration companies involved in the major gold find at . Hemlo in_northcentral Ontario received early support from the Ontar- io Mineral Exploration Program (OMEP). "Hemlo is a prime example of the value of OMEP. Without the help from our assistance program, many small companies might have been unable to proceed with exploration. Many of the companies we supported were almost unknown in mining cir- cles until the Hemlo dis- covery,' Natural Re- sources Minister Alan Pope said. Hemlo - the first ma- jor gold camp in Canada since 1973 - has sparked the fourth-biggest. stak- ing rush in Ontario's history, providing a wel- _ come boost for the sag- ging mining industry throughout the province and much-needed econ- omic relief for the com- munities in the area. "To date, a total of 30 companies involved in the Hemlo play - includ- ing Coronna Resources - have received, or will receive, OMEP assis- tance. These companies will generate total ex- ploration expenditures in excess of $5-million, and we expect others will apply." the Minis- ter said. OMEP, which began in September 1980, off- ers part of the risk capit- al to stimulate private sector involvement in mineral exploration. Grants and tax credits of up to 25 per cent of el- igible explotation ex- penses are available to individual entrepre- neurs, non-mining ex- ploration and other companies. '*Hemlo isn't the only area where OMEP has played an active role. OMEP also financed the exploration program that led directly to the recent Sturgeon Lake gold find in northwes- tern Ontario," Mr. Pope said. More than 400 OMEP ~ assisted programs have been designated since the program began, ac- counting for $87 million in total exploration ex- penditures. Across the province, 175 of these programs have been completed, represent- ing total exploration ex- penses of $30 million, of which OMEP contri- buted almost $6 million. complaints." Councillor Ramsay will be making arrangements to have the Dog Control Officer forward monthly reports again. Hydro Commissioner Joe Kennedy said, "'I have talked to a couple of people and asked about the possibility of putting that standard at the north east corner of the Arena. It was sug- gested that we put the lighting on the wall at the Rec Centre, but the cost is high to get the cable through that wall and the light will be low to the ground. For the cost of putting it on the wall, we might as well put in a new standard."' The Council agreed to proceed with the erec- tion of a new light standard already auth- orized in a motion at a previous meeting. There will bea MEETING of the Schreiber Terrace Bay Progressive Conservative Club on APRIL 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the CHIMO CLUB in preparation for the Riding Association Meeting. All local Progressive Conservatives are encouraged to attend. income. P7B 2E1 807-344-9330 HOMEOWNERS Spring is Coming Time to Renovate Your Home You may be eligible for $10,000 to renovate your home, $5,000 may not have to be paid back depending on your Residential Assistance Program (C.M.H.C.). For more information, phone or write: Frontiers Foundation 524 Hartland Street Thunder Bay, Ontario Rehabilitation DOITNOW Tickets on Sale at: Proudly Presents At The Door $15.00 "Soune Cinema THE GOOD BROTHERS Encore Performance . Sunday, April 24th 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Advance Tickets $12.00 Theatre Box Office Terry's Sight & Sound G. Figliomeni & Sons Graham's Variety