PRE ; : TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 7, 1979 THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL COUSES The following courses are NOW in progress or will be by the time this ad appears. CRAFTS - Tuesday 7-9 P.M. Lake Superior High School Libr- ary, Schreiber. LACIES - Tuesday 7-9 P.M. FITNESS Lake Superior High School Gymnasium, Schreiber. PCWER - Wednesday 7-9 P.M. BALL Lake Superior Figh School Gymnasium, Schreiber. SEWING - Wednesday 7-10 P.M. Schreiber Town Hall. SLIMNASTICS- Monday 7-9 P.M. Lake Superior High School Gymnasium, Schreiber. CAKE - Wednesday 7-10 P.M, DECORAT I'NG Lake Superior High School, : : 'Terrace Bay. JUNIOR - Saturday 9-11 A.M. BADMINTON Lake Superior High School Gymnasium, Terrace Bay. YCCA - Tuesday & Thursday 7-8:30 (?) : Lake Superior Public School Gymnasium, Terrace Bay. We are sorry that we were unable to find sufficient interest in the other courses previously advertised but hope to do so in the future. : People still wishing fo join one of the above courses please call: W.D. Klassen, Principal, L.S.H.S. 824-2555 In Canada its Tilden Featuring Chevrolets TILDEN Rent-a-car SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 Home 824-2512 VARs crippled children ) ° grown up? : $d % & Won't you Cx oF © help us to help ability Fund physically disabled adults? "THE ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES R. Js FL OORIN G ( Carpet Rp * | Cushion Floor Installation ONLY R. Campbell Phone 825-9208 ny © OR 825-3282 uni THE DAY APES Rie AE a