DECEMBER 6, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS Put together your R.H.0.S.P shelter hefore December 3lst. There's still time to save for your home while you | save onftaxes at Times have changed for your R.H.O.S.P. It's still the best way to put aside a substantial sum towards the purchase of your home -- ~_and save on your taxes too --but the contribution deadline has been set back to. December 31st. ~ ET eh So it's become doubly important for you to ~~ getin on the very real benefits offered by an - RH.O.S.P.--now. If you already-have a First Canadian Home Ownership Savings Plan, be sure to add to it before the end 0f1978.. 'And if you don't have one, consider our... features: ES Es -- your money is invested in a high interest, guaranteed Savings Account: ~-- there's no opening or closing fee; -- you can transfer a plan you have at = another institution to us through any of ~~ ourbranches; : hd E ~ --allyouneed to startis a $50 contribution, and minimal additional contributions of $25. (But the more you add, the more syou save.) So when you're looking for one of the best ways to save on taxes while you save for ~ your home, remember the First Canadian Bank. ..Bank of Montreal. TheFirst Canadian Bank 'mm Bank of Montreal . PAGE 7 SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT © HELP YOURSELF FROM OUR SALAD BAR CHOICE OF POTATO VEGETABLE BEVERAGE §I1.95 "FOR RESERVATIONS OR INQUIRIES PHONE 825-3286 ¥ Featuring Chevrolets Rent-a-car SPADONI 3ROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304