NOVEMBER 22, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE - CONT'D ment. Mary Clare and her committee will contact the members with the final details. Christmas gifts were disgussed and the financial aspects decided upon. Funds will be given to the two members who will be attending the Diocesan Executive Meeting in Thunder Bay. Wool will be purchased for knitting projects after Christmas. Ann Johnston will convene the coffee hour following the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Dec. 3, 1978. Father Murtagh finalized the plans for the Day of Recollec- tion which will be held from 2 = 9 p.m. on December 3. He ex- plained what this time of Recollection means, and extended a cordial invitation to the men and High School students to take part in this very special few hours. Those who do plan on att- ending are asked to bring their lunch. A list will be placed at the back of the Church for people to sign to indicate which fifteen minutes they can devot to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrement from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the first Fridays. Hats off to Mary Hale and her Sister Bell Wallin who catered to the School Board dinner on Friday, Nov.10 1978. Roman Catholic Separate School Board Hi-Lites of Regular Meeting Held Saturday, November 11th, 1978: The Chairman of the Board presented Trustee McBride with a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of her services ren- dered to this school system as a member of the Board of Trust- . ees from 1976 to 1978. : The Inaugural Meeting of the new Board of Trustees will be held Saturday, December 16, 1978. This meeting will be video- taped for broadcast to the local communities. The Eucharist will be celebrated, with Father Murtagh, of Terrace Bay, pres- ent for the occasion, at the conclusion of the meeting. Mrs. B. Hanley, Music Resource, gave a most interesting pre- sentation on the progress of the Music Program in the system ; over the past two years. The Board approved, in principle, the concept of entering into a shared agreement with the Schreiber Recreation Committee for the development of shared playground facilities at Holy Angels School. : The resignation of Mrs. Margaret Hunter, 1/2 time remedial, St. Edward School, was accepted, with regret, effective Dec.3l 1978. The hiring of Mrs. Ethel Devon, General Office Secretary for the Administrative Office, effective November 27, 1978, was approved. Two projects included in the Capital Expenditure Forecast for 1979; for submission to the Ministry of Education, were approved: Holy Angels School (General Purpase Room) $400,000; St. Brigid School (Purchase of Land, Building & Fumiture) $ 51,301. - The Board was in agreement to an exchange in Religious Educa -tion services, in that a French Religious Education Consultant would serve the French section of Our Lady of Lourdes School, Mani touwadge, and this Board's consultant would serve the Eng- list school in White River, if suitable arrangements can be worked out. CONTINUED PAGE 8 ovvveuvenns NOTICE We are pleased to advise, that the Terrace Bay Taxi is once again in operation. It will operate from the Texaco Service Station. For all your Taxi needs. ; Phone 825 - 3697 825:- 3767 CLUB CULTUREL FRANCAIS ASSEMBLEE GENERALE JEUDI SOIR LE 23 NOVEMBRE A 7.30 ECOLE SECONDAIRE TERRACE BAY cH. 104 PAR MANQUE D'ENTEREST CE CLUB CESSERA D'EXISTER HARD .TIM& DANCE 9:00 PM. - 1:00 AM. Moose Hall ; MUSIC BY: SOUND INVESTMENT SAT. NOV. 25 Must be dresse' for 'HARD TIME THEME' MEMBERS : $6.00 per couple NON-MEMBERS: $8.00 per couple.