TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 22, 1978 C.W.L. PLAN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR FOR DECEMBER 9 The regular monthly meeting of Holy Angels! C.W.L. was held Sunday evening, November 12 in the Parish Centre. President, Mrs. Kay Stefurak presided. Mrs. Rita McGrath read a poem "Death Opens The Door For Life Evermore". Mrs. Phyllis McParland read the minutes of the previous meeting and executive meeting. The correspondence was read by Mrs. [rene Borutski and Mrs. Cathy Lemieux gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Gloria Mull- ins, Organization Convenor, reported there are 187 paid-up members and one honorary member. Christian-Family Life Convenor, Mrs. Lorette McParland, re- ported on the Brownies and the council meeting she had attend ed. Mrs. Marjorie Spacek, Social Action Convenor, said the Senior Citizens Housing is under construction and reminded the members of Voting day November 13th. Cultural Life convenor, Mrs. Irene Gillen, reported on the children's chior and commended the children on their good use of leisure time. She spoke on the family 1ife conference held with Dr. & Mrs. Wilke of Cleveland. Mrs. Stefurak thanked Mrs. Rena Ross for laying the wreath on November 11th. She also thanked Mrs. Bart Kuzik and her committee for taking care of the lunch following confimation. The new drapes have been hung in the Parish Centre. The Bazaar will be held December 9 in the Town Hall. Father H. Bartofski spoke to the meeting thanking those who had helped to clean the church and rectory. He said he was starting work with the Catholic Brownies on their Religious Life Badges. A parish mission has been slated for the week of Dec. 3 - 8 and he will be having Benediction every Wednesday evening. Mrs. Stefurak reported on a meeting Mrs. Spacek and her had attended in Terrace Bay on 'Telecare'. They want the various organizations in the towns to support this program financially. A motion was passed to donate $100.00 to the Sunday School program for supplies. : ' Lunch was served by Mrs. Leanne Beauparlant and her comm=- ittee. The names of Mrs. Marion Henri, Mrs. Rose Halonen and Mrs. Delores 0'Connor were drawn for the pot of gold. As none of them were present the 'amount carries over to the next meeting. HOLY ANGELS SCHOOL HOLD REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE On Thursday, November.9, 1978 at 11:00 in the morning, the students and staff of Holy Angels School gathered in the gym to hold their Annual Remembrance Day Service. Cathie Lamothe was M.C. for the occasion. The individual classes each made an appropriate presentation in the fom of poems, songs etc. Father H. Bartofski gave a short address on keeping Peace in the world through our own actions and with prayer. A few moments of silent prayer followed. CONTINUED PAGE 13 .uivenen. KINSMEN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 DANCE: 9 MUSIC BY: NORTHERN LIGHTS COCKTAILS TERRACE BAY REFRESHMENTS TO BE SERVED 54.00 PER PERSON LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL SORRY NO MINORS DANCE TO. 1 AT 8:00 inthe M