iCTOBER 25,1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 Snow PLOWS THE OFFROADER, NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO'S LEADING TRUCK AND RV ACCESSORY DEALER FREE FREE FREE DOES IT AGAIN WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF AN ALTCO 71/2 FT. POWER ANGLE PLOW AND LIGHT KIT AT REGULAR PRICE PIDGEON-THOMAS PICK UP UTILITY TOOL BOX REGULAR VALUE § 225.95 FREE FREE FREE WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF AN ALTCO 7 FT. POWER ANGLE PLOW AND LIGHT KIT AT REGULAR PRICE A SET OF WESTIN 52 IN. ROADRUNNER ALUMINUM RUNNING BOARDS [rue oeenonoen. } OFFER EXPIRES a . NOV. 4th 2 oO | THE OFFROADER 845 NORTH MAY ST. across from the C.L.E. 623-1281 TELEPHONE (705) 856-4497 (705) 856-7154 25 BROADWAY (Rear) WAWA, ONTARIO OF FIREPLACES IN MARATHON - LET US INSTALL ONE FOR YOU! In Terrace Bay Phone 825-3747 and leave your name, address and phone number. THE CONFEDERATION COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY offers SOCIAL DANCING Socialize by learning how to dance. Dances to be taught are the fox trot, Waltz, polka, schottiache, Jive, line dances tango, rumba, cha-cha. This program will be of interest to young and old. Thirty persons will be allowed to register. You do not have to re- gister as couples. : TIME AND DAY: Sunday 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. 7:00.10: 15 p.m. Monday 7:00 - 10:15 p.m. DATES: October 29, 1978 - November 6, 1978 INSTRUCTOR: Gusta Kerber FEE: $15.00 FACILITY: Schreiber Public School REGISTRATION: Please register at the Schreiber Recreation Office. NOTE: Refund of 'Fes made only should course be cancelled due to in- sufficient enrol Iment. THE CONFEDERATION COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY offers PRINCIPLES OF MIXOLOGY This course is an introduction to the fun- damentals of bartending and the art of mixing beverages. The program is designed] for the concerned host ar hostess regard- ing the selecting, preparing and mixing of alcohol ic beverages for all occasions. Some of the topics studied are: I. The art of mixing drinks - Basic mixed drinks - Speciality drinks - Bar Drinks (Regular drinks with mixes) m.Fizzes,:. collins - Gimlets - Sours - - Slings 2. How to select, purchase and prepare mixes and |iquor bases. 3. How to plan and serve parties of various sizes. 4. To be a good host/hostess - practical hints. STARTING DATE: November 10, 1978 COMPLETION DATES: November 12, 1978 TIMES AND DAYS: Friday - 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 - [2:00 "Jord = 1:00 = 4:00 p.m. Sunday = 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. INSTRUCTOR: Sonny Chesley FEE: $10.00 + $5.00 lab fee = $15.00 FACILITY: Birchwood Terrace (Lounge) REGISTRATION: Please register at the Terrace Bay Recreation Office NOTE: Refund of fees made only should course be cnacelled due to in- sufficient enrol Iment.