PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS (OCTOBER 25, 1978 Women's Institute - continued Wednesday, at.3 p.m. in Thunder Bay. Mrs. Clemens on Wednesday, a member of many years who leaves Interment Riverside Cemetery, Thunder Bay. this coming week to reside in Wiarton, Ont. Mrs. Slater pinn- ed a corsage on Mrs. Clemens and presented her with a billfold : and key ring and money on behalf of the members. AUXILIARY PLANS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Mrs. Campbell will be in charge of a contest for the Novem- ber meeting and the president will conduct a draw and plans to obtain a speaker for the meeting. Two Thanksgiving poems were read. It was reported that the coffee urn had been rented. Foll- owing adjournment and God Save the Queen, a penny auction was enjoyed, convened by Annie Niemi and Winnie Campbell. Many newcomers were warmly. welcomed to the Auxiliary meet- ing on September 18th. Everyone present stated interest and willingness to work at the numerous projects planned for this year. : A toy sale and a raffle for bridge table and chairs are on the pre-Christmas timetable but the immediate priority is the sale of membership cards for 1979. The mémbership drive is a . | little late starting this year as the chairman, Mrs. Marj : Stephen, is moving away. Marj has done an excellent job of SE ORIA: organizing the drive for the past five years as well as helping in all other areas of auxiliary work and will be sadly missed. Membership cards are $2. so please be ready to buy one when the auxiliary member calls, some day between now and the end of In loving memory of our dear brother and friend. Roger who passed away October 26, 1977 To some you may be forgotten, November. Remember all members are welcome at our monthly 4 To others just part of the past, meetings and the next one is on Monday, November 20th at St. But to those who loved and lost you, + | Rartin School in Terrace Bay. Your memory will always last. You left us so suddenly, CURLING NEWS - LADIES GENERAL MEETING "An excellent turnout of thirty-two voting members and twelve newcomers at the semi-annual meeting on Tuesday, October 19th promises great interest in the coming curling season. The president, Sheelagh Hamilton, introduced the executive includ- Lovingly remembered by Gail and David ing Mrs. Thelma Northcott and the new director Julie Randa. ; : Some of the decisions made at the meeting are as follows: - Dues $40., associate members $20., prize money increased by 5%, flooring to be installed in kitchen; |da Romanuk to prepare NOTICE RE: a history of the club for Northwestern, a teaching night and 3 funspiel for first week of curling, Tuesday night - pick own DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME | |[tea, Thursday - pick fron hat. : You do not have to put in a full team on Tuesday as skips are looking for curlers to complete rinks. Phone Brenda Residents of Schreiber are reminded that | Harper 338%, draw chairman, to be put on the lists. Contact daylight saving time will cease at 2 a.m. « Brenda or Sheelagh Hamilton 3840 for further details. Sign up Your thoughts were all unknown But you left us sweet memories That we are proud to own. Sunday, October 29th, 1978 now - today - for a year of fun and good curling. Please retard your clocks and watches Ken Johnson is in charge of selling old fumiture, contact accordingly. him if interested. : ' A.J. Gauthier, Clerk-Treasurer . ADDIE BEAULIEU DOES IT AGAIN Addie Beaulieu can be seen once again in downtown Terrace Bay and Schreiber, toting her hockey pool board. Addie has LUOMALA® already managed to collect a total of $1,400. for the McCaus- John Luomala age 33 years of Schreiber, passed away suddenly land Hospi tal Building Fund. This time her proceeds will go as a result of an accident on Saturday, October 21st, 1978. toward supplies for the new hospital. Born in Alavus, Finland he moved to Thunder Bay in 1967. Through her endeavours with the hockey pools and convening He was presently employed at Costa's, Terrace Bay. John was a bingos, Addie was also able to donate $300. to Birchwood past vice president of the Kinsmen Club of Terrace Bay; Past Terrace for craft supplies. This spring the. result of her president of the Terrace Bay Curling Club and a member of the efforts went toward helping the Mentally Retarded Children. Terrace Bay Golf Club. Terrace Bay is very fortunate in having such a motivated Survived by his mother Mrs, Ottilia Luomala of Finland; and caring resident as Addie. brothers, Aarne of Thunder Bay; Keijo of Schreiber; Kaarlo and sister Maija (Mrs. Va Vainio) of Finland; Cousin Tarmo YIi- Hukkala of Thunder Bay and other relatives here, Finland and the UsS.As Recting at the King Funeral Home, Schreiber, Funeral Service