OCTOBER 25, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE H Schreiber Figure Skating Club GENERAL MEETING All Those interested in future Figure Skating PLEASE ATTEND. Wednesday October 25,1978 Time at 8:00 Place Lake Superior Public School Campus Room 8 The Executive . COUNTDOWN 10 CURLING The men's semi-annual meeting was held on Friday, October 20th. A discussion centred around the topics of rules and proposed operation of the club for the 1978-1979 season. Several important decisions were made: the men will curl regularly two nights a week (Monday and Wednesday); mixed curling will be scheduled for Friday night; men's curling will consist of divisional play on Monday nights and round robin play on Wednesday nights. If you still have not entered your name or team please contact Bob Roberts (3860) as soon as possible. Play will likely get underway in early November. | MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. & Mus. John Schruitt are pleased to announce the mawiiage of their daughter, Wendy June,' to Shane Patrick Walsh, son of Mr. & Mrs. George Walsh of London, Ont. The marriage took place October 214%, 1978 4in Winnipeg, Man. THE APARTMENT SIZED PORTABLE WASHER AND DRYER BY Hoovers PORTABLE SPIN- DRYING WASHER Model 0617 REG: 299.95 NOW: 275.00 PORTABLE ELECTRIC DRYER ode 0914 REG: 279.95 [ wes, Spadoni Bros. Ltd, om SALE STARTS OCTOBER 19TH TILL SUPPLIES LAST