PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 C.W.L. FIRST FALL MEETING The St. Martin of Tours parish Catholic Womens League held their first fall meeting on Tuesday, September 12th beginning with the celebration of Mass. The many members who attended contributed to the success of the meeting. Mrs. Belliveau gave a warm welcome to one and all. Mrs. Haas read an article from the League magazine concerning everyone's responsibility to be missionaries. Father Murtagh spoke of his idea of having the first Friday of every month devoted to prayers especially for vocations. It will begin on the first Friday of October with Mass at 3:45 followed by the exposi- tion of the Blessed Sacrament until the Mass at 6:30 p.m. Parishioners are invited to come in to the Church during that time and pray exclusive'y for vocations. The minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report were read and approved. Various correspondence was dealt with and the Convenors reports were heard. The tables which were ordered for the parish hall came in but being the wrong size they were returned. Eighty-three boxes of clothing were sent to Red Lake. Mrs. Belliveau thanked those who helped to get the boxes ready for shipping and Father Murtagh for supervising the actual shipping. Father Meyers reception was well attended by members of oun parish. : The coffee time following the 10:30 Mass on the first Sunday in July and August was held but September 3rd was can- celled as many members were away. The Penny Auction was discussed with C, Roen convenor. She will be assisted by S, White and K, Mikkonen. Coffee after Mass in October will be convened by Y, Rajotte. Avila Centre will receive assistance from us for their "Faith and NG PUT YOUR MONE iY ig \N SHAPE WOW f * ROOFING -WINDOWS AND DOORS CARPENTRY AND BUILDING SUPPLIES BLOW-IN INSULATION hone IN AREA SAULT STE. MARIE FREE Phone ESTI- 7 Collect MATESI|: §2 3-214 SAU T DOMESTIC ™ ™ IMPROVEMENTS LID. - Advent. Sharing" retreat. Father Murtagh discussed the starting of an Adult Religion Course. - |t was discussed and well received. It will begin on Monday evening, October 16th at 8 p.m. and continue for seven Mondays. Father Murtagh explained the topic of the course will be the Bible. Trying to come to a better and more meaningful understanding of the contents. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. A day of recollection will be held at the beginning of It will be an experience in prayer using Sacred Scripture. The new weekday Mass schedule will continue. appreciate any feedback conceming this schedule. A farewell gift was presented to Mrs. Jean Mousseau by Mrs. Belliveau. The meeting was brought to a close and a avsly Tunch was served. The guest speaker was Mr. Joseph Kutcher, the new Religion Consult. 1t for the Catholic Schools on the North Shore. He spoke on the History of the Church and the new methods of teach -ing our Faith to the children. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Kutcher and his wife to Terrace Bay and we wish them all the best. Mrs. Kennedy thanked him for the very interesting talk and presented him a gift. Father would PRENATAL CLASSES Prenatal Classes for expectant parents will be held in Terrace Bay at the Lake Superior Public School from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. comm- encing October 3rd. To register please call the Thunder Bay District Health Unit at 824-2413. L In Canada its Tilden violets J = TICDEN Rent-a-car SPADONI BROS: LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304