SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 ROSSPORT EVENTS AND SOCIAL Mrs. Wm. Schelling hosted the members of the St. Berchman's Altar Society Thursday evening when they resumed their fall ac- tivities. |t appeared that new doors for the porch will have to be carried into next spring's projects before they can be purchased. A supply of candles was discussed. not to cut the grass again this fall. The president Mrs. Leona Leisander chaired the meeting and led in the opening and closing prayers. Mrs. Herb Legault pre- sented the financial statement and Mrs. Schelling read the min- It was decided SCHREIBER SOCIAL: Helen Krizan, of Canmore Alberta has returned home after visiting her mother, Mrs, Esther Birch. By good fortune, the United Church Fall Fair occurred while she was here, and Helen, lending a hand was delighted with the opportunity to meet old friends. Maureen Phillips was hostess for a barbecue in Helen's honour, when the guests, all school day friends recalled pranks of those years - not taped. The other guests included Helen's sister, Gail Moore, Rita McGrath, Betty Randa and Peggy Regis of Terrace Bay, Myrtle Zaporzan, Patsy Cook of Schreiber. utes of the previous meeting and correspondance. Mrs. Todesco invited the members to meet at her home for the October meeting The newly-opened "0dd's Bodkin" jean and top shop on the - main street in Schreiber is attracting many customers, since wearing jeans is not confined to any age group. Michael H. Dunnill co-ordinator of regional services through the Ontario Ombudsman held an open meeting in the village Wednesday afternoon for those sho wished to present a probl- em for assistance. Mr. Dunn= ill also met at Pays Plat re=- serve with the Indian Chief and band the same day. |sadore Ray, C.P. Rail Sec- tion foreman here along with other foremen in the district, is attending a three week M-W training course in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Legault have purchased the village brick school and are busy ren- ovating it into a home. Rev. Father Harold Bartofski has arrived as our new parish priest. He plans a training period for the choir and hopes to start Sunday school classes for the children in the near future. Mrs. Albert Rouble has re= turned from her first holiday in western Canada when visit- ing with relatives in Regina she experienced her first sight of the prairies after having lived most of her life in the rocky and valley and lake country of Thunder Bay District. Mrs. Carrol Rochon of Kimb- erly, B.C. is holidaying here with her father Mac Hubelit and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Legault are holidaying with relatives in Thunder Bay and Fort Frances Mr. and Mrs. W. Schelling are visiting Duluth, Minn. Why does she bring hersavings tous? Every payday, | make it a habit to save a little. Just a little. But regularly. It's a nice habit and it's easier to get into when the teller gives me a nice big smile. It's the same kind of smile I'd get if I'd gone out and bought something. Except | feel even better because | haven't spent my money at all. In fact, I've put it in a place where it will earn interest too. Deposit something -or open | a savings account this week - and prove to yourself how goodit feels fo do something really sensible with your money. Bank of Montreal Milton Tames, Manager Schreiber Branch