AUGUST 10, 1978 TERRACE BAY. NEWS PAGE 5 FOR SALE SHOWER ANNOUNCEMENT I SC REIeEN 1 - business establishment with A Shower will be held in honour of living quarters Marcia Nicol, bride-elect of Graham 1 - 50 x 120 house - 311 Manitoba St. Coe on Wednesday, August 16th at §:00 ois% ; : p.m. in the St. Martin Church basement. Dominic's Hair design has for sale - all business equipment Everyone welcome. PHONE 824-2354 TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY Tender for the Collection and Disposal of Derelict Motor Vehicles Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tenders for the Collections and Removal of Derelict Motor Vehicles" will be received by the undersigned up to and not later than 12 o'clock noon local time on Monday, August 21st, 1978. ; The Township of Terrace Bay, in co-operation with the Ministry of the Environment hereby invite tenders as follows: TENDER #1 - To pick up and deliver to our derelict vehicles site at Salem, west of Schreiber, Ontario approximately 17% vehicles. Said vehicles are all in an area bounded on the west by the east boundary of Nipigon, Ontario and on the east by Neys Provincial Park. Tenders to be based on a per unit basis. Tenders should state the anticipated starting date and expected time for completion of the Contract. The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. TENDER #2 - To process and remove all units from the derelict vehicle site. Tender to be based on a per unit basis. The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. All bidders to supply the following: a) 'Evidence of Workmen's Compensation coverage. b) Evidence of Liability Insurance. c) Bid surety in the form of certified cheque for $500.00 payable to the Township of Terrace Bay. d) List of equipment to be used. Tenders must be submitted on the official tender form, available at the Municipal Office in Terrace Bay, Ontario W.J. Hanley, Clerk-Co-ordinator P.O. Box 40, Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO |