PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS AUGUST 2, 1978 HLL: Willard Donald Hill passed away suddenly at his home in Sicamous, B.C. on July 18, 1978. Born in Winnipeg February 25, 1907 Mr. Hill retired in 1972 as a locomotive engineer following 46 years railway experience - 26 years with Canadian National Railway and 21 years with Canadian Pacific. Since 1974 he has resided in Sicamous, B,C. Funeral services were held at Bowers Funeral chapel on Thursday, July 20th, with cremation following. JAFFARY: His many old friends were sorry to hear of the sudden death of Donald J. Jaffary, Bala Ontario on Monday, July 17. Mr. Jaffary's funeral was held in Bolton, in the Egan Funeral Home, Bolton, Town of Caledon, on July 20th. Interment was in the Laurel Hill cemetery, Bolton. Mr. Jaffary's immediate survivors are his wife, Sheila Murphy; one son Allan John; four daughters Lynn, Helen, Christine and Barbara; 'his mother Mrs, Allan Jaffary and one sister, Isabel, Mrs. Ron Woods. SCHREIBER SOCIAL: . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Molinski of Vancouver, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Nesbitt and Mrs. Mary Sparkes, the women are all sisters. : TENDERS GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY Sealed Tenders clearly marked "Tender for Garbage Collection" will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m., Friday, August 11th, 1978. This contract is for collection and de- posit in an approved Sanitary Land Fill Site but does not include the maintenance of the Landfill Site. Collection to be made twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays from both Residen- tial and Commercial establishments. Tenders to be based on a two year contract commencing September lst, 1978 until Aug- ust 31st, 1980. Further particulars and contract docu- ments can be obtained at the Municipal Office. The lowest, or any tender, not necessar- ily accepted. W.J. Hanley Clerk Co-ordinator Township of Terrace Bay Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO LET US QUOTE YOU A PRICE FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE® YOU BETTER Cebrario"s Hardware and Building Supplies FREE DELIVERY SCHREIBER 824-2511 TERRACE BAY 825-3224 TENDERS MAINTENANCE OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tender for Maintenance of Sanitary Landfill Site" will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m., Friday, August llth, 1978. This will involve pushing, compaction and cover with granular material with a track vehicle approximately 8 hrs. per week at a controlled landfill site approximately six miles west of Terrace Bay. The site is to be maintained in accordance with prepared design and operating inst- ructions using a progressive trench method. Public access will be permitted on Wednes- days from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be super- vised by municipal staff. This contract does not include maintenance of access road. Further particulars and contract documents can be obtained at the Municipal Office. The lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be based on a two year contract commencing September lst, 1978 until Aug- ust 31st, 1980. W.J. Hanley Clerk Co-ordinator Township of Terrace Bay Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO