PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 26, 1978 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance) - $2.25 (if charged) - 6¢ per word after 25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR SALE - 2 door refrigerator, Kelvinator, no frost, I3 cu. ft., gold, 2 years old, asking $300. Phone 82u-2UIk, FOR SALE - used stove. Phone 824-2521 FOR SALE - 30" wide range, 6 months old. Phone 824-9064 FOR SALE - Elco copper tank with emersion heater and thermo<- stat. Best offer. Phone 825-3288. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ~- available. statements. Phone 825-3288 Complete to financial FOR SALE - Boat motor and trailer, I9' Chrysler Tri-Hull new tinyl top, I-75 h.p. black max 7.5 kicker, power tilt, very good condition. Phone Chester Gallant 886-2627 Red Rock, anytime. FOR SALE - 1978 Honda I75 XL, only 500 miles; left handed set of Spaulding golf clubs & bag. Best offer. Phone 825- 3737 FOR SALE - generator, good condition, I0 h.p. Diesel engine, 6000 watts/52 amps. Can be wired for 220 volt, $I000. Reply to Box 495, Terrace Bay. FOR SALE - six (6) bundles white asphalt shingles $20.00 Phone 825-3705 HOUSE FOR SALE - 20I Winnipeg St. Phone 824-2697 FOR RENT - 3 bedroom house, pertly furnished. Phone after 5 p.m. B24-28uUk4 BACHELOR APARTMENT FOR RENT - furnished, on first floor. Phone after 5 p.m. 824-2004 WANTED TO BUY - one used canoe. Phone Pete at 825-9033 WANTED TO BUY - Future resident would like to purchase used fridge and stove. Please write: Caroline Fehr, 249 Victoria St., Kingston, Ont. or call I-6I3-549-8432 BABYSITTER WANTED - for one infant, beginning in September. Deytime only. Phone 824-2812 JOE'S HATRGROOMING - will be open Monday, July 3Ist from II a.m, to 5 p.m. : SALES AND SERVICE - Piano tuning and repair. Heintzman, Sherlock Manning pianos. Hammond, Lowery organs. Call or Write: A. Almos, Box 8, Terrace Bay. Rep. Morrow Pianos CARD OF THANKS - I wish to thank all who sent cards and flowers while I was a patient in the Port Arthur General Hospital. Nettie Thrower ISLAND VIEW SERVICE LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY MONDAY - FRIDAY SHOP REPAIR - MIKE KURYLO | 8:00-A.M. - 5:00 P.M. PHONE 825-3638 PROP. DAVE DESROSIERS ~ R.B. Simon Agency GENERAL INSURANCE WAWANESA MUTUAL - ROYAL NOTARY PUBLIC BOX 331, SCHREIBER 824-2562 PAT GAREAU CONTRACTING GENERAL EXCAVATIONS, BASEMENT, SEWER AND WATER 46" BACKHOE BUCKET 20' REACH LOADER & TANDEM TRUCK FREE ESTIMATES & REASONABLE RATES 825-9182 SCHREIBER READY-MIX ALL CONCRETE NEEDS CALL ANYTIME - MARC TREMBLAY 824-2715 OR 824-2274 PAT'S T.V. SALES AND SERVICE R+C+A+ APPLIANCES -& T+V:'S SCHREIBER 824-2215 YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT Burton B. Phillips BULK PLANTS IN SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY : TO SERVE YOU IN BOTH TOWNS PHONE 824-2463