PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 28, 1978 i HOLY ANGELS' GRADUATES AWARDED Om Wednesday, June 21st, 1978, Holy Angels Schoo] held their Graduating Exercises. Fourteen girls and fourteen boys celeb- rated this event with Mass at Holy Angels Church at 5:00 p.m. followed by a sumptuous banquet in the Town Hall, convened by Mrs. Mavis Godin. Mr. Paul Bourrie was a very able Master of Ceremonies and conducted the program with ease and humour, Certificates were presented to each student by Father F.J. Meyer. Individual awards were presented to the following students: Cosimo Fiorenza received the Knights of Columbus Proficiency Award presented by Mr. Ed Borutski, and the French Award presend ted by Mrs. Lise Jamieson. Ronny Speziale was presented the Speziale Award for Combined Athletic and Academic Ability by Mrs. Bealah Speziale. Brenda Lamoureux and Marlene Speziale received the C.W.L. Award for Combined Effort and Ability," pre- sented by Mrs. Kay Stefurak. Susanna Costa received the School Spirit Award presented by Sister Marvel Belfry. The Dean Mc- Hugh Award for Outstanding Progress was presented to Melanie Perras and Gail Beauparlant by Mrs. Alice Valiquette. The students also presented several gifts to show their ap- preciation for help received during the year. Father F.J. Meyer, Sister Marvel Belfry and Mr. Pat Gillen each gave a short talk to the Graduates. A very successtul program came to a close with Marlene Speziale giving the Closing Address on behalf of the Graduates. A most gratifying day ended with a dance in the school to the music of the Commisso Brothers... The North of Superior District Roman Catholic Separate School Board ST. MARTIN SCHOOL TERRACE BAY HAS FOR SALE SURPLUS STUDENT DESKS NOMINAL PRICE To be sold on a First Come basis THURSDAY, June 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the School Gym. P.M. Gillen Director |Y. Beauparlant Chai rman ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT : The families of Mary Catherine Luella Ginn, nee Baille, gormerly of Terrace Bay, Ontario, and of Mr. Prescott McDonald of Manning, Alberta, are pleased Zo announce the forthcoming soLemnization of their marriage. The ceremony will be held at the Grace Baptist Church in Schreiber, Ontario on Juky 8, 1978. The couple plan to take up permanent residence in Miron, Alberta. HOSPITAL NEWS CONTINUED: from page 4 .... Write "~ = Mrs. J. McEwen - Chairman McCausland Hospital Board Adninistrative Office, Birchwood Terrace, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Applicants must be a member of the McCausland Hospital Cor- poration and may not be a family member of anyone employed by the hospital. Come on! Get involved! Public Relations McCausland Hospital Board. LADIES GOLFING NEWS: Monday June 19 was one of our few sunny days so the Ladies golfing president |. Romanuk and tournament chairman J. Hall quickly organized a mini farewell tournament for four of our executive who are leaving J, Rattray, L. Hut- chinson, H. Farrell and B. Wise. Fifteen of us golfed in a hidden partners game. After the golf game we all went to Ida's for a steak barbecue. Julie, Helen and Linda were presented with a gift from the Ladies in remembrance of us. Barb was not there. P.S. Ask |. Renault about her thrilling experience on the sixth hole. GENERAL COMMUNION: The Grade 2 class of St. Martin Separate School held their General Communion on May 28th at a special children's Mass officiated by Father Murtagh. Mrs. Falzetta is the Grade two teacher. ~~ CAR DRAW 1978 CHEVETTE SCOOTER ONLY 650 TICKETS TO BE SOLD DRAW DATE JULY 1, 1978 PROCEEDS TO SCHREIBER ARENA BUILDING FUND $10.00 ea. TICKETS ON SALE NOW PHONE ROY MILLS 824-2473 or 824-2762