JUNE 7, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 14 SCHREIBER PARKS AND RECREATION: Continued... ARENA UPDATE: We have received word back from Wintario that the percentage under the enriched portion of Wintario will be 66 2/3% on $120,000.00 not on the full replacement value, as had been anticipated. Steps to obtain this are, presently, being followed. This means, however, that the strategy on financing will need to be changed, and the necessary steps have been started towards this; Council and the Recreation Committee have met with Gateway Builders & Supply Ltd. to drop the price dramatically, if at all possible, we will know with -in approximately one week. We will keep the public as up-to- date on this new development as we receive the data. Contri- butions from Palm Dairies of $50.00 and Schreiber Ringette League of $2,000.00 have kept our thermometer moving upward. Just a reminder to the public, that if you have a fund raising event please start it, all we ask'is that you let us know so that duplication can be avoided. CONFEDERATION COLLEGE GRADUATES On Saturday, May 27th, 1978, The Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology held its Eleventh Graduation Ceremony. The following students from this area graduated: Daniel Legault - Survey Technician (Terrace Bay); Judith Davis - Recreational Leadership (Schreiber); Myrna Gauthier - Law & Security Administration (Schreiber); Patrick 0'Connor - Law & Security Administration (Schreiber); and Paulette Perras - Recreational Leadership (Schreiber). Patrick 0'Connor also received a President's Medal and the Judge Cunningham Memorial Award. BAY CITY MOVING & STORAGE LTD (FORMERLY REMBER VAN & STG) 645 Norah Crescent, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 807-577-7578 "WE WANT YOUR NEXT MOVE" Moving with care everywhere. We have our own plane and pilot. We fly to remote areas to see you personally. We have the equipment and men to do the job. We move you on the date that you want. We want you to call us collect. WE ARE IN BUSINESS TO SERVE YOU. Won't you call today? AGENT FOR UNITED VAN LINES Daniel Legault also received the Survey Technician Facul=- ty Award. ROSSPORT FIRE FIGHTERS MEETING ------ ---------------- ---- -- ---- ------------ ---- ---- = {_------ Mr. Jim Tristram, Dept. of Northern Affairs, of Marathon was in Rossport Tuesday evening, accompanied by Paul Werk of the Ministry Solicitor-General, fire service office of Thun- der Bay. They met with the local people to present them with a pump, hose, gloves, boots, coats, flares, extinguishers, ice auger, axe, etc. all in a basic kit encluding a first aid kit, for the use in the Fire Fighters organization. The local fire chief Dave |ddison opened the meeting in the hall, welcoming the good turn out and introduced Mr. Tris- tran and Mr. Werk. Mr. Werk gave a description of the fire equipment to be pres 'ted and advised some of the women to take training on the operation of the equipment as most of the firemen would be absent most days at their employment. Mr. |ddison thanked the guest gentlemen for their help and for being present. A demonstration of the starting and operation of the water pump and hose at the government dock then took place, with both male and female fire fighters taking part in the operation. SCHREIBER NORTH STARS JUNE 15TH 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY, Election of new officers and discussion of upcoming year. THURSDAY, SCHREIBER Junior A vs Junior B = All those interest- ed in the future of Junior Hockey for Schreiber and Terrace Bay are urged to attend. All newcomers welcome.