Yat 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 31, 1978 RECREATION REPORT: Continued TENNIS CLUB: The Terrace Bay Tennis Club now has a membership drive underway. For further information, contact the Recreation Office or Albert Cadieux, Tennis memberships should be paid by June 15th as from that date, the Tennis Club members will have preferred court time. COMING EVENTS: : Every Tuesday - Ball Hockey in the Memorial Arena, starting at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 7th - Annual Minor Hockey meeting, Conference Room of Recreation Centre at 7:00 p.m. NOTICE OF MEETING THE McCAUSLAND HOSPITAL CORPORATION WILL HOLD SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14TH, 1978, 8:00 P.M. LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM . TERRACE BAY CAMPUS Friday, June 2nd-~ Superior Minor Soccer Association bottle drive, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, June 3rd - Superior Minor. Soccer Association bottle drive, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Tuesday, June 13th and Wednesday, June 14th - Veterinary Cli- nic, large meeting room of the Recreation Centre - by appoint -ment only. Every Wednesday - Soccer, Terrace Bay arena, starting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 13th - Nursing Interest Group at Bi rchwood Ter race, 8:00 p.m. Guest speaker, Chief Zroback on drug abuse. Sunday, June 4th - Community Church Pot luck picnic, following the morning service. "GUIDING NEWS: On Thursday, May 25th, a Fly-Up was held at the Scout Hall. An outdoor ceremony was conducted with many mothers and fath- ers in attendance. Madame Commissioner Marilyn Saranpaa wel- comed everyone and Broun Owls Barb Wise and Barb Lal onde pre=- sented wings and certificates. Before each Brownie going up to Girl Guides she received a Golden Key to unlock the gateway to bigger things in Guide land. A short dance time was held at the conclusion of the evening. Those Brownies moving up to Guides were: Pack 1 - Laura Lalonde and Paula Bouchard. Pack 2 ~ Pam Menshenton, Pam Deutscher, Cathy Hansen, Brigetta Samp, Sandra Barnett, Jody Bertin and Cheryl Morriseau. NOTICE OF MOTION Notice is hereby given that the Hospital By-Law, Section 4, Subsection (2) amended by resolution of The McCausland Hospital Board of Governors, January 3rd, 1978, and approved by the Lieutenant-Governor- in-Council, January 13th, 1978, will be presented to the members of The McCausland Hospital Corporation at the Annual Meeting for confirmation. The amended By-law, Section 4, Subsection (2) reads thus: The financial year of the Corporation shall be from April 1st to March 31st. In Canada its Tilden Featuring Chevrolets TILDEN SPADONI B ro aca : SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304