MAY 25, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 21 Classified "Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & inder cash in advance) - $2.25 (if charged) BUSINESS DIRECTORY - 6¢ per word after 25 FOR SALE - 1977 4} h.p. Eska outboard motor-going for $150. Only used four hours - will trade for small boat trailer. Phone 824-2471, FOR SALE - 30" range, 6 month old, Phone 825-506k. FOR SALE - 297 Edson trailer, completely self contained, 3 way hook up, propane, II0O volt, I2 volt. A campers delight. Phone 824-2597 after 6 p.m. "FOR SALE - Learning to play guitar? Interested in a good quality emplifier. Try this Traynor head and cabinet, excel- lent condition. A steal for only $400. Phone 824-2597 after 6 p.m, : WANTED - patio set or picnic table. Phone 825-3765. WANTED - Summer Student requires a room to rent for the summer months in Terrace Bay. Tel. 825-3574. APARTMENT FOR RENT - Available June Ist. Marriad couple or one single person preferred. FOR SALE ~- baby carriags, baby oar seat and baby walker and Hoover vacuum cleaner. Phone 824-2759. LOST ~ A peir of Majestic Blade stare skates and Atom hockey gloves were taken in error from the Arena. Would finder please phone 825-3374 or return above articles to lost and found box at Arena. NOTICE - Anyone knowing the whereabouts of a former Schreiber business women last seen swimming in Mcleanfs Creek heading for Lake Superior on Sunday night, May 7th, please phone 824-2820 or 824-2674 with your information. This has to stop as the smelt run is short enough as it is. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - House painting, roofing, garage. construction eto. Lowest rates. All work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call 825-9162 after 5 Pom. WESTERN BEEF SALES ~ sides of beef and pork. Phone 935-2875. | FLOWERS N THINGS - is now taking advance orders (if demand is sufficient) for bedding out plants for arrival June 6th. Phone now and order your plants 824-2743, D & S IRWIN FORMS INC. - Conorete, footings, walls, floors. Complete basements, fast quality service. Reasonable rates. Phone 475-3322 Nights 344-5426 Thunder Bay, Ontario. JOE'S HATRGROOMING SHOP - will be open on May 29th from 11;00 a.m, to 6 p.m. CANCER IN MEMORIAM CARDS - may be obtained by phoning M. Hale 825-3678; L. Harris 825-3241 or J. Nugent 825-3841. M. CEBRARIO AND SONS - will be closed Friday evenings as of Friday, May I9th. WANT YOUR GARDEN TILLED? Phone 824-2519, ISLAND VIEW SERVICE LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY MONDAY - FRIDAY SHOP REPAIR ~ MIKE KURYLO 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. PHONE 825-3638 PROP. DAVE DESROSIERS PAT'S T.V. SALES AND SERVICE : R:C.A. APPLIANCES & T.V.'S SCHREIBER 824-2215 FOR YOUR SAFETY WARS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG STREET, SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335 R. S. Kirkup & Son Limited Surveyors & Engineers \ (THUNDER BAY ~ DRYDEN-RED LAKE-KENORA) 409 George Street, Thunder Bay Ontario, P7E 5Y9 PHONE 623- 3461 R & L DRIVE-IN, SCHREIBER HOME OF THE SUPERIOR BURGER-BLOCK & CUBE ICE TAKE OUT FOOD - SOFT ICE CREAM 824-2632 PAT GAREAU CONTRACTING "GENERAL EXCAVATIONS, BASEMENT, SEWER AND SEWER 46" BACKHOE BUCKET 20' REACH LOADER & TANDEM TRUCK FREE ESTIMATES & REASONABLE RATES 825-9035