MAY 25, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 Schreiber Parks and Recreation CHINESE COOKING: Reminder that this program begins in two and one-half weeks at the Town Hall from 7 - 10 p.m. Those not registered please come to the recreation office before Friday May 26, 1978. MINOR BASEBALL: The recreation office is considering the or- ganization of minor baseball for boys and girls this summer. However, before this is done we will need coaches, umpires for each division and team. |f you are interested please contact the recreation office and leave your name and phone number. Age levels being considered are 5-16 years. SUMMER PROGRAMS: The time is quickly coming when registration for learn-to-swim, playground, tennis, wilderness and others will need to be done. Further information and plans develop. For swimming please know what level your child/children were in last year successful or not; this will greatly assist us at the time of registration. ARENA UPDATE: The financial total to date is $92,000. Tick- ets are being sold on a 1978 Chevette Scooter by Mr. Roy Mills co-ordinator, recreation office, members of building fund, and others. Sales are moving along well, Have you got your button yet? They are available from the recreation office, members of the ringette team, or members of the building fund committee. Have you a fund raising scheme? Get started on it, all we ask is that you inform us so there will be no duplication. LEADER PATROL AND RECERTIFICATION: On the weekends of May 26, 27 and 28, 1978 and June 2, 3, and 4th, 1978 a leader patrol course"will be held in Marathon. Candidates need to be 15 years old and have a bronze medallion. BALL HOCKEY: People interested in playing some ball hockey this summer please drop your name in at the recreation office and if conditions allow the program will be started after a meeting is held. TENNIS CLINIC: The Schreiber and Terrace Bay Recreation De- partments are working together on a tennis clinic for this summer. If interested please let the recreation office know. Tennis rates are as follows: Single membership for the season $5.00; Family membership for the season $10.00; persons wish- ing to rent playing time the rate is $2.00 per person per hour. Please note that the Tennis Courts can not be used un- ti1 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Tennis Memberships will be available June 5, 1978 at the Recreation Office. SAILING CLINIC: It has been brought to the attention of the recreation office that some people may be interested in a sailing clinic. If you are interested please call and leave your name and phone number; once enough interest is shown we will take further steps. RECERTIFICATION: Red Cross - Royal Life Instructors The Recreation office received notice on May 15, 1978 that a Red Cross = Royal Life Instructor recertification course will be held in Thunder Bay on June 17 §& 18, 1978, : Continued page 14 .... A "A Sault businessman, Peter L. Pot- vin, 138 Dell Ave., died syd- 'denly at his home Tuesday morning. He was 44. ; started his business career in. North Bay as an apprentice serviceman with Cash Register, spending -19 years in total with that company, - service manager in North: Bay, he was {iransferred to Sault Ste. Marie in 1966 to be' branch service manager, later moving to Sudbury in 1973 as service manager, . to Sault Ste. Marie to start his own business, Servicemaster.' In 1976 Ken Punkari joined 'him in partnership to. expand the Servicemaster operation in this area. + Potvin was a member of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce, and was instrumental : in thé formation of the 'Association of Volunteers at the Ontario Hospital. In Sault Ste. Marie he was an active member. Kiwanis Club; the former Betty Jacques of North Bay, daughters Laurie, Mrs. Brian Watkins, and Patti, and son Gary, all of Sault Ste. Marie, his mother, Mrs." Joseph Potvin of Sept Isles, Quebec, brothers Roy of Hamilton and Gerry of Kenora, and sisters Patricia of Sept Isles and Shirley of Mary Mount College, Sud- bury. "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV ~ ELECTRIC HEAT YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES witness 824.2501 IF_BUSY CALL 824-2800 Business owner dies FROM SAULT STAR WED, MAY 10TH Ste. Marie "Born in Schreiber, he National After becoming tant . In 1974 Mr. Potvin returned While in North 'Bay Mr. .of Lakeshore He is survived by his wife, Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finder's fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services 28 Front Street NI PIGON 887-2128 Ontario Hydro PROPERTY FOR SALE MUNICIPALITY OF TERRACE BAY Ontaric Hydwoois offering for sale Lot 257, Registered Plan M-I2I, also known as 257 Ken- ogami Road, Terrace Bay, having e total area of 0.227 acres, on which 1s located a Ii storey, five room, wood frame dwelling and a one-stall gar- age. yom Further information mey be ob- tained writing to Ontariec Hydro, North Cumberland Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 415, Attention: K.B. Kramer, Property and Forestry Superintendent. Offers to purchase must be sub- mitted in a sealed envelops ad- dressed as follows: - W.E. Raney, Secretary Ontario Hydro 700 University Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M5G IX6 . and marked: 3 Tender for Terrace Bay Property and must be received by the Secretary not later than 16:00 Eastern Daylight Time on June 12, 1978. All tendsms must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to Ontario Hydro for at least 3% of the emount of the offer. Cheques will be returned to unsiiccessful bidders. All offers submitted must allow until July I7, 1978 for accep- . tance or rejection and must not be withdrawn until after that date. Offers must allow until August 23, 1978 for closing of this sale. The highest or any offer not - necessarily accepted.