'APRIL 26, 1978 - + TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 27 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance) - $2.25 (if charged) ~- 6¢ per word after 25 CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank all the Doctors, Nurses and Hospital staff for the care I received while I was in The MoCausland Hospital. Also all friends and relatives who visit- ed me and sent cards and gifts. Your kindness was really appreoieted. Louella MoColaman. CARD OF THANKS - My sincere thanks to Dr. Croll, nurses and staff of McCausland Hospital for the excellent care during my stay in the hospital for the birth of our son and brother. Cathy, Peter, Michael and Benjamin Geldreich. CARD OF THANKS - The Terrace Bey Minor Hockey Association would like to express their appreciaticn to ell thosé responsible in meking our Awards Banquet such a success. A special thanks to the donors of the awards and to all the mothers whe prepared the food and helped in so many ways. CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late James Dunean wishes to Thank the many friends and neighbours who have been soc kind and helpful during this difficult time. CARD OF THANKS - I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. J. Goodings and the staff of the 4th floor of the Port Arthur General Hospital; Dr. Hiscox and the steff of the 3rd floor of the McKellar Hospital; Dr. Humphery's and the staff 'of the Toronto General Hospitel. Special thanks to Lloyd and Ivan for the AM card games and to everyones who phoned to inquire and sent cards. . Jack Whitton PAT GAREAU CONTRACTING ~ Loader, Backhoe and Tandem Truck; General excavation, basement, water, sewer, ete. Free estimates and reasonable rates. Phone 825-9035. NOTICE ~ The Terrace Bay Ski Club Members? Equipment Pick-Up. st Chalet ~ Saturdey, April 29th from I to 2 p.m. NOTICE - Pleasant way to earn as an Amay distributor oft nationally known products in your own neighbourhood if you wish. We assist you. Phone 825-3378. JOE?S HAIRGROOMING SHOP ~ will be open on May Ist, Mey 8th, May I5th, May 29th from II:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Inquiries Welcomed. Answers Confiden- tial. Phone 824-2768 or Write: Box 466, Schreiber. Meetings Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, Schreiber Town Hall. SALES & SERVICE ~ Piano tuning and repair. lock Manning Pianos; Hammond-lowery Organs. A. Almos, Box 8, Terrace Bay. Heintzman, Sher Call or write: Rep. Morrow Pianos. 5 BEAVER HOMES LTD.,- Area Rep. T. Kerr-Taylor, Box I00C, Marathon, Ont. POT 2EG. Phone 229-0390. Make your Dream come true vith a Beaver, WANTED - Responsible babysitter for summer months. Phone Phone 824-2759, BUSINESS DIRECTORY i fi. dodick FOR ALL YOUR ol PHOTO COPYING OPTOMETRIST CO ral 3 PRINTING CONTACT THE 11 19 VICTORIA AVENUE | |_oo0) oc nav NEWS THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 BAXTER INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. WITH 22 EXPERIENCED COMPANIES TO SERVE YOU AUTOMOBILE - FIRE ~ CASUALTY = LIFE SIMCOE PLAZA - TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3370 OR 825-3157 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Completely furnished (incl. fridge & stove FILANES FALLEN ROCK MOTEL White Sand Lake - 4 miles west. of Schreiber FURNISHED WINTERIZED COTTAGES 824-2755 824-2782 okie MAY CONTRACTING Excavating, Fidl Cement, Sand, and Topsoil PHONE 824-2643 OR -824-2070 "HBT OFNAaNCIAL SERVICES : sn winnviees street | M, (JAN ET) RUSSELL SCHREIBER, ONTARIO MANAGER LOANS AND MORTGAGES AVAILABLE INSURANCE FIRE CASUALTY--LIFE NOTARY PUBLIC DONALD G. BENO AUTO PHONE 824-2666 Schreiber, Ontario