ri PAGE 1 TERRACE BAY NEWS 8 Holy HAngels School As part of Education Week '78, Holy Angels School had another successful, Open House for parents and friends on Tues- day, April 18th. ' : Mr. Ed McClusky, Math and Science consultant for the North of Superior R.C.S.S. Board, visited several classrooms and gave some very interesting lessons. Constable Don Anderson, Safety Program Director for the lo- cal detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, also visited us and presented a safety program to the Kindergarten class. He showed a thought provoking film on "Peer Pressure" to the Grade Eight class after discussing vandalism and its consequen- ces with them. It is always gratifying to the Staff to see so many parents and friends interested enough in our school to attend Open = _House days. We thank them. ART _CLUB_SET_DATE_FOR_ANNUAL SHOW The. Schreiber Art Club at their April meeting, set the first weekend in June as. the date for their annual Show. Birdie Romanec, a member, is contributing a water colour for the raf- fle for the occasion. Correspondence, read by Joan LeBlanc, included information concerning a GIL Touring Art Show and a letter from "Contact" the Art Gallery of Ontario about a touring show of seven or eight weeks. Alice Sparkes submitted a ireport on the history of the Schreiber Art Club for-the Club scrapbook. tively. Superior Public School, Schreiber campus. Minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer's report were adopted as read by Joan LeBlanc and Gwen Hadley, respec- The next meeting will be held Sunday, May 7th in the Lake } NOTICE 10% collateral in shares. T0 MEMBERS CPR. EMPLOYEES (SCHREIBER) ~ CREDITUNION LTD. § Effective June 1, 1978, all loans made herein after must be covered by at least Board of Directors J EVERYONE NORTH STAR HOTEL i PRESENTS 0 WELCOME APRIL 26, A --