PAGE 10 : TERRACE BAY NEWS: IA Me Schreiber Parks and Recreation Several canvassers are in aot of areas going door to door asking for pledges/payrol1/cash from the citizens. With one- half of the town finished we are half way to our objective of $120,000 from the canvass. ~ The totals to the time of this writing are Pledges 27,245.00; Payroll Deductions 14,101.00; Cash 16,438.00 and this gives a total of 61,031.00. There aré a few more fund raising events being planned for the weeks ahead. To name a few possibilities - Beer Bash, Super Bingo and Walk-a-thon. Tickets are being printed now to go on sale next week for a new car. Mr. Mills is looking after this, dhile on the subject of fund raising if there are individuals, groups, organizations wishing to put on drives for funds please feel free to do so. All the fund raising committee asks is that they have knowledge of them so that there is no duplication and we can point prospective customers your way. Our buttons should be here shortly and will go on sale immediately upon arrival. A list of contributors to the Arena (Phase 1) is up in Filane's Variety Store. LEGEND OF GREY OWL - i * Studio Lab of Toronto will appear in Schreiber on May 10th to do two performances of "The Legend of Grey Owl". This is open to the public and is tentatively to be held at the Lake Superior Public School, CHINESE COOKING ~ - Since the last writing we have heard that the above program will be held in Schreiber om May 29th to June 1st, 1978. It will be a four day or five day program, running three hours per evening. We do not have a confirmed cost to date, however, expect this soon. Letters will be sent to those that have submitted their names. FIGURE SKATING CARNIVAL = On April 8th and 9th, the Schreiber Club will hold 'the " Figure Skating Camival, WEAVING WORKSHOP = ; Jan Korteweg will be in Schreiber on April 10th to 14th to conduct a Weaving workshop (Four Harness Loom) in the lower hall of the Town Office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fee is $30.00 per person for the 30 hour program. Please register at the Recreation Office in the Town Hall. NORTH SHORE BADMINTON TOURNEY - This year the North Shore Badminton tournament will be held in Red Rock, for students of Grades 7 & 8, on Saturday May 6th, 1978. Parents rides are going to be required to transport participants. The cost is $2.00 per entry. RINGETTE SKATE-A-THON MONIES - Persons still having monies to turn in please do so. Proceeds from the skate-a-thon are to go for the purchase of trophies and the new arena. This can not be done unless we have your monies turned in at the Recreation Office or any ringette team member. | BIRTHS | The Employees of Vic Tanny's WELCOME a i TT a -- TO Born to Mr. and Mrs. Denis Gervais of Terrace Bay, a girl on March 31st.