FEBRUARY 15, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS : PAGE 3 LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A strong reaction is being voiced against the proposal that Northern Ontario be the nations nuclear waste dumping site. Although Northern Ontario has been considered as a site by the Federal Government for several years, area residents have been almost totally uninformed: © In the Tate fall of 1977, the Hare report (a study on nuclear waste) was released. Ths report rec -ommended that test drilling begin in 1978. This information came. as .a shock to northem citizens. © "ls democracy in ques- tion"? asks Mr. Peter Lang, Member of the Citizens Committee to Study Nuclear Waste in Thunder Bay. Citizens are concerned with. the safety of the disposal meth- od, due to the extremely high corrosiveness of the waste result -ing in leakage. (Citizens are further concerned with the move- ment of up to 10,000 tonnes yearly of this highly radioactive waste across our country. 'As far as recycling of nuclear waste is concerned, breeder reactors, the method used for recycling, are shut down throughout the world. The reason being the ex= tremely high risk involved in handling. Citizens question the whole nuclear program especially when the Hare Report states that there is only enough known uranium available for 25 years. Northern citizens are further-concerned with being the dumping site for southern garbage and also the possibility of it becom- ing an international dumping site. ; Petitions are being circulated throughout the north and thousands of signatures 'are being collected. Citizens are de-. manding hearings throughout the north and especially those com- munities chosen by the Government for waste disposal. Such . sites so far known are Marathon, English River, Kenora area, Chapleau, Ignace and Madoc. Citizens of Madoc joined together in protest and, as a result, delayed test drilling and stopped the possibility of dumping in their area. With unemployment so high, people are anxious to encourage " possible employment - yet the risks involved are such that even communities with the highest unemployment are saying no. Mar- athon, a community of 2,200 has collected over 800 signatures thus far, Schreiber 671 and Thunder Bay over 5,000, While some petitions request hearings throughout Northern Ontario, others «clearly state no dumping period. Quebec has called for a moratorium on nuclear power expansion while Manitoba is postponing their nuclear program. Ontario continues to expand. A Red Rock citizen stated, tongue-in- cheek, that the waste should be buried on Parliament Hill. There, he further states, "our government, who have our best interests in mind, could keep a close watch on it", Although a deadline of January 20th, 1978 was set for citi- zens to respond to nuclear waste disposal, due to the strong reaction, it has been extended. The new deadline is not yet "known. This does however, give peaple a chance ta begin or to continue circulating petitions and to prepare briefs-for pos- sible hearings. : The Thunder Bay Citizens Committee to Study Nuclear Waste ~~ has started gathering information on the hazards involved in Hii feiig RETA i Regie Et waste disposal as well as alternatives to nuclear power. A speakers bureau has been established and speakers are available upon request. For further information feel free to Contact the: Citizens Committee to Study Nuclear Waste 300 North Archibald Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Phone 622-3258 or 622-2155 DAVE DESROSIERS & SON LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS SERVING THE NORTH SHORE LOADERS BACKHOE BOOM TRUCK BULLDOZER GRADER TANDEM DUMP TRUCKS GRAVEL & BLACK EARTH BOX 368 HWY. 17 - 825-3638 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO On Wednesday, Feb. 1st, the Kinettes of Schreiber entertainec the residents of Birchwood Terrace with an afternoon of Bingo : followed by a tea. A delightful assortment of fiome baking in~ cluding a beautifully decorated valentine cake was provided by the girls. The hostesses representing the Kinettes were Edythe Cosgrove, Lurleen Blais and Joyce Gilmore, 4 Winndrs of the afternoon were: Jane Legarde 2 games; Wester Koivisto 3 games; Senja Vuorenman 2 games; Hilma Nikola, Michael Legarde, Walter Dainio and Jack Siver. Thank you Kinettes for a _ very enjoyable afternoon. : COMWNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO = TELEPHONE 825~377X Sunday ' - 8:30 p.m. Mon. to Thurs. - 7:30:p.m. Fri. and Sat. = 7 & 9 p.m. hot machines in oxy Adult Entertainment THE TOWN : THAT DREADED og SUNDOWN ® An AME RICAN INTERNATIONAL BELT ASE Gimmp mer Monday Feb. 19-20 Bay it duce qu. AND THE 57 ES Mes Reso (Jhelmicn MURELL "sieve BONyy; octor: IRE eet CAT vid Kyle: "noma ne ifs 0 58 autor: Soil lec, in C9" Tuesday - Wednesday ie ; 'Feb. 21-22