VOL, 21 NO. 7 FEBRUARY 15, 1978 20¢ PER COPY - Overture Concert Series "esse one of the most enchanting young dance companies to break upon the local scene for many years ses" Myron Galloway, Montreal Star "The six dancers are smoothly professional, articulate in their agility and you can tell they just Tove to dance ...." Lawrence 0'Toole, Toronto Glob & Mail On February 23rd, in the Terrace Bay Gym Campus the Over- ture Concert Series hosts its second concest of the season. 3 Entre Six, as reported above, is recognized as a multi- ~ faceted, multi-talented ensemble. The con temporary dance company co-founded by Lawrence Gradus, a former soloist with the American Ballet Theatre and tes rands Ballets Canadiens, and Jacqueline Lemieux, Entre + Fn B Six is the ideal touring outfit for our country. The ensemble % includes six dancers, two apprentices and two directors. i Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. on Feb. 23rd, concert to = begin at 8 p.m. Members only. STATEMENT BY DR. J.D. GALLOWAY, PRESIDENT, OF THE - ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Hospital budget allocations announced by the Minister of Health will mean fewer hospital services for the people of Ontario in the year ahead. The large majority of public hos= pitals in Ontario, including all the major teaching and com = munity 'institutions, will receive less money ir the year beg- inning April 1 than they require to maintain present 1evels of services and staff, Ne calculate hospitals will need an increase of around 6% over current budgets td meet the anticipated higher costs of salaries, goods and services in 1978-79. The Minister has agreed that small hospitals with fewer than 50 beds, and var- ious related health agencies, will get 6% more, but the aver- age increase for larger hospitals across the province works out to less than 4.5%, That represents a total shortfall of some $28 million oet= ween what hospitals need to meet their inflated costs and what the Minister of Health is prepared to spend on insured hospi~ tal services. Although the dollar gap is less than we feared at one time, it still means tough decisions ahead for hospi tal. managements and the likelihood of sizeable cuts in overall numbers of staff, perhaps as many as 1000 -jobs. Each individual hospital will determine how best to adjust to its own situation when its budget figures are supplied by the Ministry later this month. Until then, we won't know the facts about how the cuts will affect levels of care. Hospitals have been asked to notify the Ontario Hospital As- sociation as soon as possible of the impact upon their own services so that we can assess thie province-wide picture and : decide what representations need to be made to the Minister.