i? Hospital Corporation for 1978, # FEBRUARY 1, 1978 TERRAZE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 MINOR HOCKEY FACE MASKS MANDATORY The wearing of full face protection will become mandatory in all Teague games of the North Shore Minor Hockey Assoc- iation as of March 1st, 1978, This rule, passed at a recent meeting of the NeSJMeHeAe in Marathon, will apply to Minop Hockey players in Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Marathon and Man- itouwadge. A similar regulation had previously been adopted by the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association for all players under their jurisdiction. The effectiveness of face protection in reducing serious injury, particularly blindness, has been well documented. 'Recent developments in face guards has resulted in this equip- ment receiving CSA approval and it is expected that full face protection will soon be required by all minor hockey organiza- tions, HOSPITAL UP-DATE! _ The Brochure, we promised, should have been delivered to your home by now = or by the end of the week. Ths brochure went to the Terrace Bay News for printing. Que overall financial figure has risen from $347,303.16 as printed in the brochure to the $350,000,00 level. hee again, we have the pleasure of thanking the.Ukranian Women of Terrace Bay and Schreiber for their generous dona- tion of $560.00 to the building funds This money was raised through their Ukranian Christmas Party. Contributions to the building fund from our young people are greatly appreciated. The Volleyball Teams of the Public and Separate Schools of Schreiber and Terrace Bay held a POP SALE during their volleyball tournament, The sale netted $17.18 which they turned over to the building fund. From the Kinsmen of Terrace Bay we received $1200,00 Our grateful thanks. As and Io Supply Ltd. of Thunder Bay sent a cheque for $2500,00 We are accepting fees for membership in the McCausland A Life Membership is $100,00 (per person) - paid within the calendar year and $5,000 per person for one years This one-year membership must be paid one month before the annual meeting if attendance at the an- nual meeting is desired. This year the Annual Meeting will be in September. These may be mailed or taken to the Adminis- tration Office of the McCausland Hospital. Cheques should be made payable to the McCausland Hospital Building Funds Building Fund Committee McCausland Hospital Board. DID YOU KNOW THAT 4... Oakville, Ontario residents have the highest average income in Canada, $11,714. Next come Burlington, Ontario with $11,527 and « Brossard, Quebec with $10,956. DAVE DESROSIERS & SON LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS SERVING THE NORTH SHORE LOADERS BACKHOE BOOM TRUCK | BULLDOZER GRADER -TANDEM DUMP TRUCKS GRAVEL & BLACK 'EARTH BOX 368 HWY. 17 825-3638 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT | Mr. and Mis. E.S. Brown are pleased to announce the Engagement of their third eldest daughter, Holly Joyce to Mri. Bruce James MacGregor, only son of Mus. June E. MacGregor and the fate Mr. James MacGregor. 04 Edmonton, Alberta. ' Wedding vows will be exchanged in Terrace Bay Community Church at 3:00 P.M., June 24th, 1978 with Rev. Brian Bigelow of giciating. TOWNE CINEMA | TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-377X Sunday = 8:30 p.m. Mon. to Thurs. = 7:30 p.m. Fri. and sat. - 7 & 9 p.m. THE LAST § TNE MARD MIN ISLAND a -- oF DR. ; o MOREAU (Reser BURT LANCASTER al BT] MCHAR YORK ote Tuesday - Wednesday Adult Entertainment January 31/Feh] Thur-Fri-Sat Feb. 2-3-4 GREED LSHINING- Sunday - Monday Feb. 5-6 He drove em wild! @ Adult Entertainment Tuesda Wednesda Asin d 0fe- L ~~ ghdhate = BROTHERS o Feb. 7-8 a ----