Pubidc Lib Terrace Hay, Ont. \ VOL. 20 'NO. 44 7 NOVEMBER I6, 1977 © 20¢ PER COPY ". WESTERN SAVOYARDS Friday evening of this week will see the beginnings of the Overture Concert Series in our area. The concerts, being held in the Lake Superior High School - Terrace Bay Campus, will begin at 8:00 p.m. Doors are open at 7:00 p.m., and admission is by membership only. ; The Western Savoyards include Miss Christine Anton, Mr. Edward Greenhalgh and Mr. Norman « Slack. This extremely versatile group will long be remembered for their enthusiastic perfor- mance of Gilbert and Sullivan's most well-known works. ; ; Together the Western Savoyards, will be touring the Northwest States and the western . Provinces on an extensive Overture Concerts' tour which will take them as far as Yellowknife and Fort Churchill. The program they bring to the stage will be a lively beginming for the Terrace Bay/Schreiber Overture Concert Series Members. :