PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 19, 1977 L.A. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: Cont'd from Pg. 12 Minutes and correspondence were read by Earlene Johnson, secretary and the financial statement by Rena Ross, treasurer. It was reported that again the canvass for the Salvation Army had been most successful with the sum of $827.55 being collected in Schreiber and Rossport. It was noted that the Schreiber suxiliary had won the membership Shield for clubs of fif- ty of more at the Convention held in Thunder Bay in June. This shield was for all auxiliar- ies in Manitoba and North Western Ontario. Among events planned were: joint installa- tion of Branch and Auxiliary officers on Decem- ber 10th with Mrs. 'Nean' McKenna to convene the special dinner and the members' Christmas party to follow the installation ceremony. The children's Christmas party will be held on December 18th, in the hall with-Charlotte Miller as convener - the lunch convener to be named later. : All members were urged to join the parade from the Legion to the cenotaph to attend the Ceremony on November llth. Mrs. Juanita Falconer will convene the Poppy Day canvas. Avila Richardson and Bends Harper were named as nominating committee. Colleen Gauthier was appointed as bingo caller for the month. : Ann Didura was presented with her 'Going- Away' pin, before leaving for a new home in Thunder Bay. . A bulletin will be sent to members of all coming events until New Year's Eve dance. 'Nean' McKenna, (entertainment) has music ar- ranged for all coming occasions. : New carpeting for the hall has been ordered and it's hoped will be laid before November 11. ENTERTAINMENT SERIES: Cont'd from pg. 4 ... concert series planned for the area are the well known French Canadian piano duo, Moris- set & Bouchard. They bring their own grand pianos with them! : ~The remaining attractions will be selected' from a large list of availabilities including such events as the new Canadian Dance Company, Entre Six, the Marionette Theatre of Llords International, and the Western Savoyard who perform scenes from Gilbert and Sullivan. The risk free Overture Concerts method of establishing subscription audience concerts if used with excellent results in numerous other Northern Ontario locations including Geraldton, Timmins, Wawa, Chapleau, Dryden and Kenora. Terrace Bay/Schreiber now joins this successful alliance with Overture Concerts in becoming an important touring stop for numerous concert Ll} {At present there are 95 active members. artists crossing the country in each direction. Over seventy towns and cities across Canada have active Overture membership audiences. The Terrace Bay/Schreiber group will conduct ; its membership drive for a full house at the Lake Superior High School, Terrace Bay campus from October 24 to November 4, 1977. Already there is enthusiastic response within the com~ munities. All admissions to concerts #n Ter- race Bay/Schreiber will be by membership only. Sorry! No tickets will be sold at the door. Insistence on a- membership only policy elimin- + ates all financial risk in bringing fine enter -tainment to our region. No contracts are fin -alized until the campaign is completed and the budget on hand. This can only be accom- plished with an advance membership drive. If you are not contacted about tickets dur- ! | ing Membership Week or would like more infor- mation about the series, please contact any of the following: Mrs. M. Spacek 824-2492; Mrs. L. McParland 824-2036; Mrs. B. Hanley 825-9048 or Mrs. A. Wilkes 825-3692. EE « NEW RULES FOR T.O.P.S. } On Wednesday, September 28th, at the regula. meeting of T.0.P.S. ON 1586, Schreiber/Terrace Bay, it was decided to stop memberships at 100. r Anyone to join after this will be placed on a list, and they must have at least 15 lose. Those having to lose more than will have priority. All prospective we members are to be advised of this rule. Persons wishing to join must have a Doctors goal slip' before joining. Former members, whose memberships have ex- pired, will also be placed on the waiting list. '- It is to be suggested to all on the waiting 4 list to start a new chapter if they so wish, as it only takes five persons to do so. Members of the ON 1586 are willing to give any assist- ance they may require. All members will be required .to pay the week © -ly dues of .25¢, regardless if they have been attending meetings or not. This rescinds club by-law #6, which states "Regarding back dues = wishing waiting lbs. to 40 lbs. {in the case of a member returning after an ex- tended absence, they will pay back dues for 6° weeks ($1.50) plus any monies owed the month they return". E : It was decided that effective immediately, those members who have reached K.0.P.S. status will no longer be required to pay weekly dues of .25¢. Last month we celebrated our 5th anniversary . After the regular meeting, games were enjoyed, followed by a gift exchange. Members are now preparing for the annual rally day, which is being held in Thunder Bay on November 13th.