OCTOBER 13, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE- 5 ' AN OPEN LETTER: Continued from page 2- ... What is the purpose and function of the Board? How is it appointed? Why does it exist, if it is merely a Rubber Stamp for the Administration? What does it cost to maintain it? Why are some of the essential things left undone, such as: Grab bars by all the toilets and bathtubs - these are standard equipment in many restaurant washrooms, so surely they are a necessity in a Home of this type? These are only some of the questions that should be answered. If, as many of you do, live too far away to be able to consult the appropriate individuals, then I urge you to please sit down and write to Mr. Alex Daneff, Chairman of the Board, Geraldton, Ont. or to Mr. Jack Stokes, your local M.P.P. at Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont., expressing your concern for Our Senior Citizens and Qur money. If there are any Concerned Citizens in Schreiber or Terrace Bay, the next meeting of the Board is to be held on Friday, October 14th, at Birchwood Terrace, Terrace Bay at 1:30 P.M. Please try to attend in order that you may ask any of the many questions which remain unanswered to date. In conclusion, may I make a quotation from a well known source: "Forgive them Father - for they know not what they do". (signed) Nancy E. Wilson R.N. . Ex-Supervisor of Care Services Birchwood Terrace. Howto make your home safe for your famuly. If you have a mortgage on your home, I'll show you how a Sun Life Mortgage Protection Policy can pay it off if you die -- leaving the property free and clear for your family. The same policy can also build up cash for you while you live. A worthwhile idea I'd like to discuss with you. CLAUDE P. LEPINE Box 98, Terrace Bay Phone 825-3613 * TERRACE BAY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PLAYER --. hold : : REGISTRATION THURS., OCT. 13th 6:30 -- 8:30 p.m. TERRACE BAY RECREATION CENTRE FEES: $10.00 Per Player .- 325.00 Maximum, Per Family Late Registration Fee - $15.00 - No Fami ly Maximum ELIGIBILITY: Players between the ages of 5 and 18 years as at December 31st, 1977. will Music by: Commisso Bros. $4.00 PER COUPLE $2.50 -- SINGLE 'Tickets sold by: Mrs. A. Yates, Mrs. J. Sopel, Texaco Terrace Bay and Costa's Store, Schreiber.