MAY 11, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE '11 Mother' s Day at the Terrace Bay Comm nity Church was a very special day this year. The Sunday School children put on a Mothers Day programme with everyone participating from pre-school to Grade four. A% each mother ar- rived, they were presented with a hand made corsage. These were lovingly and painstakingly -cut and glued together during Sunday School in the last few weeks. A selection of songs were SATURDAY, MAY 14TH - 9:30 a.m. sung. : at rear of 165 Birch Crescent During the Church Service, Rev. Brian Bigel- ow baptized, Marshall Robert Bagdon, infant "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED" son of Billie and 'Robert Bagdon of White River, STORES Old store counters, FOR )SALE made of 3/4™ plywood. and Linsay Corine Davis, daughter of Daryl and Jody Davis, Terrace + Bay. Following this, Rev. Bigelow per- 0es S e rin formed the Baptism of his son, Timothy "227 | her savings fous? of town for the Bap- tism service were: Every payday, | make it a habit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas to save a little. Just a little. Bagdon, grandparents > But regularly. It's a nice habit and from White River; Mrs. ; it's easier to get into when the Georgina and Miss Judy teller gives me a nice big smile. 4 Davis, Mrs. Peggy It's the same kind of smile I'd Small, Mrs. Eva Gordon get if I'd gone out and bought Mr. and Mrs. Jystin_ something. Except | feel even better because | haven't spent my money at all. In fact, I've put it in a a place where it will earn Martin with Derek and Jennifer, all of TF rtiret sot sare terete /gasions stored tne |. {Deposit something - -oropen | BR a savings account this week - foTopistion for the J | and prove fo yourself Cmte, ay tou ~~ howgoodit feels fo do "Salvation Amy, Thunder something really sensible EE with your money. the Community Church The First Canadian Bank q4at 11:15 a.m. Every- x one welcome to these Bank of Montreal "services. ; Schreiber Branch > Ts Bill Humble, Manager 438 Opesation 4 Uifertyle Don't take chances on * death or disfigurement. Belt up, and drive safely!