PAGE & ' TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 23, 1977 GUIDING NEWS: Cont'd from page 7 .... At the last Ranger meeting held at the home of Leader Cathy Geldreich, an engraved Guiding Spoon was presented to Tracey by cathy on behalf of the Aguasabon District. There are eight Rangers and two leaders - Cathy Geldreich and Pat Fenton this season. They are very active and hold regular meet- ings. The young -ladies work at various func- tions in the Community, the last one 'being the distribution of the Carnival Buttons. A recent visitor to the Guides was Mrs. Dora Trach, who spoke on the way to set up and write letters for the "Hostess badge" that the Guides can earn. Many questions were asked and Dora checked lots of letters that were the final item to be passed for the requirement needed to ob- tain the badge. Mrs. Marilyn Saranpaa thanked her for her interesting talk. CHURCH NEWS: sunday, March 20th was a busy day for the Community Church. Following the morning ser- vice a "Coffee Time" was held. These friend- ly times are enjoyed by everyone. ; A pot luck supper attracted a small crowd in the evening. Many main dishes and desserts were served. There was no mention of caloxies during the whole time. While the men of the church were clearing the Hall, an informal Hymn sing was led by Pam Jones with Aini Anderson at the piano. Everyone was in fine voice, and many requests were made. Everyone participated in all of the ever faithful old Hymns and the modern swinging ones as well. A good feeling of fellowship revolved throughout the congrega- tion. : The Ladies Auxiliary had been lucky in ob- taining a much sought after Johnny Cash film "The Gospel Road" for the evening. To round off a successful day the film was shown, with a huge crowd of Terrace Bay residents attend- ing. : At the close of the evening Helen Brooks, Ladies Auxiliary President thanked everyone who participated in the activities of the day, and to those who attended the showing of the film. Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund the Property Committee and the Finance are L leaving the Board after their two year term of (2) (HOSPALIOTES The Annual Meeting of the McCausland Hosp- ital Members of the Corporation will be held Tuesday, April the 19th, 1977 at 8 p.m. at the Ed] Lake Superior High School - Schreiber Campus. The Chairman of the Board of Governors will present to the "Membership" a resume of the past years work of the Board and each Commit- tee Chairman will also give a resume of the committee's activities. New business will be presented to the Members for their considera- tion. 3 The Board Qf Governors appointed a Commit- tee to nominate candidates to replace members who are leaving the Board. Mr. Bill Houston, who has been Chairman of the Finance Committee © © and a member of the Executive Committee and Mrs. Shirley Mikus, who has been a member of % P office. The Committee has nominated Mr. Cliff Poole of Terrace Bay who is permitting his name to stand for election. Mr. Poole (Sales Manager) has had, previous experiences as a member on various boards. Mr. Garry Jung (a Financial Analyst) of Terrace Bay = nomin- ated by the Committee is also permitting his name to stand for election. These are for a = two year teym of office. | - N Mr. Roland Wills of Terrace Bay - Chairman # of the Property and Grounds Committee has been © a Board Member for the past two years and has agreed to have his name stand for re-election for another two year term of office. Sa Mrs. Margaret Puttock of Terrace Bay = ££. Chairman of the Public Relations and Building Fund Committees has agreed to have her name stand for re-election for another two year term of office. From Schreiber - to replace Mr. Bruce Tilbury - who is moving to Thunder Bay and to replace- the late Mr. George King, the Nomina- ting Committee have been fortunate in having t Mr. Alex Krystia and Mr. Cyril Sparkes volun- teer to fill these vacancies. Each is for a one year term of office (to complete the two '~ year term begun in 1976). Members of the Corporation will be invited to make nominations "from the floor. We do, however, ask that any nominations (made the night of the Annual Meeting) be presented in writing with the consent of the person nonin- ated; the name of the "Mover" and the name of wp. the "Seconder". Continued page 10 ...