Pubilc Library Terrace Bay, Ont. a. TERRACE BAY NEWS VOL. 20 NO. IO MARCH 9, I977 20¢ PER COPY UNITED PAPER WORKERS INTERNATIONAL LOCAL 663 SUPPORT HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND - The Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital gratefully acknowledge the tremendous pledge made to the Building Fund by Local 665 of the United Paper Workers. : They have pledged $10,000.00 to the fund when construction begins. This very generous offer will pay for the cost of two hospital wards. This pledge, plus other pledges and actual bank balance (as of March 7) will bring the building fund total to more than $270,000.00. This is well beyond half-way. We are making another appeal to everyone. We'd like to go over the top. Let's go beyond the $450,000.00 by the end of the year. Building Fund Committee and Public Relations for L The McCausland Hospital Board. WINT,, CTH = NT | g % ~ MARCH 10TH-13TH ANNUAL A 2 1977