PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 16, I977 y Z| CHURCH SERVICES TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN CHURCH - Rev, A. Fujareczuk SUNDAY MASS - 8:30 and I0:30 A.M. SATURDAY MASS - 7:00 P.M. CONFESSIONS ~ 6:15-7:15 and after evening Mass on Sat. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, Brian Bigelow SERVICE OF WORSHIP - II:I5 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION - Ist of the Month CHURCH SCHOOL - Grades 5-8 I0:00 A.M. - Preschool to Grade 4 - II:I5 A.M. ~ Care for Babies TERRACE BAY GOSPEL ASSEMBLY - Pastor John leari Services are held in the Public School Auditorium FAMILY HOUR - I0:00 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. SCHREIBER HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, F, Meyer DAILY MASS - Mon., Wed., & Fri. - 5:00 P.M. . Tues. & Thurs. - 7:30 P.M. Sat. 9:00 A.M. & 7:15 P.M SUNDAY SERVICE - 9:30 and II:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS - Sat. 4:I5-5:I5 P.M.; before Sat. evening Mass; before Sun. morning Mass & all deily Masses. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. Brian Bigelow REGULAR SERVICE - 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL - II:00 A.M. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Ist & 3rd Sunday ~- 7:00 P.M. 2nd, Yth, end 5th Sunday - II:00 A.M. Sunday school - II:00 A.M. - Every Sunday GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. R. Dye MID WEEK SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. Wednesday SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ I0:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - IT:00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER ~- 7:00 P.M. ROSS PORT ST. BERCHMAN'!S CHURCH SUNDAY MASS - I:00 P.M. - ually thin, watery, bulky or coarse. TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS -'9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MON. - FRI. MAILING ADDRESS - Box 579 PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year: (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867 TIPS FOR SMOKERS Once smokers have joined the majority and become non-smokers some face, with reluctance A the strain of withdrawal symptoms and the 4) possibility of weight gain. : The Canadian Cancer Society has a few tips which might be helpful for these 'quitters'. Un It is suggested that a new non-smoker find substitutions for smoking. Repairing some- thing around tHe house is better than sitting «! around it. A busy person can take his or her mind off cigarettes. It is wise to take up iT | a new hobby, as long as it requires concen- 'k tration and, like knitting, quilting and mac- ! rame, keeps the idle hands busy. As one Society official says: "Read a book, <<! Or as many as you can. Do a crossword puzzle. Or ten of them." : It is mentioned that some people have found * that Vitamin A helps withdrawal discomfort and Vitamin B Complex helps steady the nerves. Dr. Irwin Bean, National Education Committ- << ee Chairman of the Canadian Cancer Society, has words to the wise for those 'quitters' who worry about a weight gain. ta "This need not happen if the daily food in- take is controlled," he says. "Nibble fruit, | celery or carrots rather than foods too rich . in fats or sugar. Low calorie snacks are us- On the other hand, greasy, crisp, thick, smooth, g gooey, sweet or alcoholic foods tend to be Nn high in calories. "When the urge to smoke grabs you, munch hi on an olive, suck a clove or chew sugarless gum, 'advises Dr. Bean. "At mealtimes take a smaller serving than Ea usual and eat slowly, chewing well so that you won't tend to swallow more than you real- ize. ST "The perfect complement to good dieting is moderate exercise. This keeps you physically fit, helps you burn up calories, reduces ten- / sion and keeps you so busy that your hand stays out of the refrigerator or cupboard. Walking to work and back is a waistline-help- :'. er, as are household and outdoor chores. ) Tennis, swimming, bowling and cycling are also pleasant and beneficial pastimes." EI i b= N Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers of Terrace Bay, a girl on February Sth, 2977. :