FEBRUARY I6, I977 - TERRACE BAY NEWS ROSSPORT SOCIAL SPECTRUM ------ ------ -------- ---- -- -- -------------- ---- Charles Henderson has returned from a holiday in Toronto. Peter Mushquash has returned to Sioux Look- out after holidaying with his parents Dave and Hilda Mushquash and other relatives. Recent Lakehead visitors were Mr. and Mrs. [ Bill Hubelit, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Legault, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schelling, Mrs. Anne Todesco. Mrs. Chas W.. Todesco and daughter Camilla have returned from a holiday in Florida where they reported that the weather was very wet and cold with strong winds off the gulf. Mrs. Todesco also visited relatives in Toronto and Sarnia. What has become of our Swans that decid- ed to Winter in this area? - There were six 4 of them. Two have been reported flying around the bay and BEER FESTIVAL and card games at Birchwood Terrace Bar on Saturday, March 12, 1977. TOBOGGANN ING at the Pump House Hill, Sunday March 13th - supervised bonfire! Fun for all Elementary school SOCK HOP! At the Public School Gym on Friday, March 11,1977, TURKEY SHOOT - trophy for the best shot of the day - Saturday, March (2th. We can help make 1976 a better year. 'ashore but where are the other four??? Some believe that they may have been frozen in the ice around Selim Bay and perished. Being ,such a cold winter, Saving money is a good idea at the best of times. But taking advantage of the tax savings opportunities of a First Canadian Retirement Savings Plan is an even better idea because it can multiply the effect of your savings. There are several plans from which we can help you choose, depending Of course, not all of us necessarily have ready cash on hand at the end of the best of years. So your Bank of Montreal manager may point out the wisdom of borrowing money to make an R.R.S.P. investment. See your nearest on your particular situation. that surmise could be : © a possibility. 'The Northwest winds of the week has opened a channel of water off ; Gut point to Blanket Island. Otherwise the bay is frozen ..over as far as one can see beyond the islands. Eugene -Gerow is a (Patient in McCausland Hospital, Terrace Bay. . IN MEMORIAM CARDS for the Canadian + Cancer Society may be obtained by calling M. Hale - 3678, L. Harris - 3241 or J. Nugent - 3841 Bank of Montreal manager about a fax saving Registered Retirement Savings Plan before March]. The First Canadian Bank mm Bank of Montreal Schreiber. Branch ill Humble, Manager.