TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 24, 1976 20 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 22, I956 x : Mrs. Joyce Rosseau entertained last Friday evening at an | In Weiting Shower for Mrs, Barb Payette, Many lovely gifts were received from a decorated basket and a social evening and refreshments followed. Assisting Mrs. Rousseau were 25 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 22, I951 Mesdames Marion Pluto, Clara Gould and Noreen Peterson. The Terrace Bay Men's Chorus will present their third annual concert on Friday, December 7th in the Terrace Bay High School Auditorium," This loeal group was formed in Sept. 1953 and with musis loaned by the Fort William Male Choir began rehearsals the following month, Miss B, Mac- Adam conducted the chorus during its first and formative years, The polls are located in the Teen Town Clubrooms in the South Camp and they will be open until 7:00 o'clock tonight, VOTE AS YOU LIKE - BUT VOTE, Curling Club News - The Membership and Draw Committee re- ports a total of 65 applications on file, with a number of last year's curlers yet to be heard from, This should give ug around eighty curlers which will be about the right num- ber for the ice available, How's the ice? The committee under Rune Ostling is working steadily at it as the weather permits, If cold weather sets in and holds, we'll have the ice ready for business in sbout ten days. I5 YEARS ACO - NOVEMBER 23, I96I There will be a meeting in the small meeting roem of the Recreation Centre on Friday, November 2th at 8:00 pem., - YOUR WEEK AHEAD gy pamis family. | ARIES Your temper may get out of control if you're WEEKEND SPECIALS - Coffes = 2 lbs. - $1.35. Tuna Fish - Mar. 21-Apr. 19 not watchful. Communicate your sentiments 2/+33¢s Jam - 4B oz. tin - 754 Prime Rib Roast - .75¢ to others but play it cool. per pound. rd ' TAURUS You may find the loyalty of friendships being . hii for further avin about Mary's Flower Shop Apr. 20-May 20 tested. Be cautious and avoid stirring up ill I 8 : feeling. Visit your hospitalized friend. 10 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 24, 1966 GEMINI. Much activity related to partnerships or other May 21-June 20 people. Let's not be contrary just for the sake A hearty welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Harold of argument. Open mindedness brings re- Kodila and family who have recently moved from Longlac to : wards. Terrace Bay. He has bought a home at 469 Princess Ave. and MOONCHILD There may be some heated discussions con- vith his wife arid two children aged 2 and 4, 1s now settled June 21-July 22 hocied win Feligion or hi It is easier ; Two T vo Buy Fesidents vers vinnees in OKPR-1V } tests recently, Mrg. Peggy Helmink won in the Purity Flow LEO This should bring a week of pleasurable en- contest and' Elizabeth Dobush in the Phillips! Draw on the July 23-Aug! 22 joyment in sports, romance, or maybe a good Swingding program. ' VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Forecast Period: November 28 - December 4, 1976 mvestment -- or whatever. Have fun. Direct all that energy toward the domestic scene. Make improvements. Check out all ap- pliances to ensure safe operation. You become involved in rather heated discussions in your pursuit of practical infor- mation. Matters having to do with co-workers , canbe improved. for all ladies with Canadian Legion affiliations, This will be a preparatory meeting to form a ladies Auxiliary to the Terrace Bay Branch of the Canadian Legion, STORK CLUB - Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Zaporaan of Sehrotber! a daughter, on November I9th. Mr, and Mrs. Art LeBlanc of Schreiber left Fridsy night to spend a few days in Winnipeg, the guest of Mrs. LeBlano?s lorraine Belliveau has been chosen from the Terrace Bay Guides as one of the Hostess Cuides to attend the Bevitacs Camp in Montreal in I967. 5 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 25, I97I The members of the Golden Hawks Senior Boys® Basketball team were recently selscted, and are as follows: Ralph Cos, Jim Corrigen, Tony Commiseo, Frank Figliomeni, Roy Huasd, Bill Smildky, Marc Tremblay, Ken Turner and Jim Collinson. SCORPIO Business activity should bring financial gains. Mrs. Elsanor (Nonie) O'Connor marked her 80th birthday Oct. 23-Nov. 21 It seems to be a favorable time for work and surrounded by her family and old friends. She received service matters. Lend a helping hand where many lovely gifts, among these a substantial purse from old you can. friends, and relations who called from distant points with SAGITTARIUS You are probably experiencing a great deal of £094 wishes, Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Feb. 19-Mar. 20 physical energy. It's a good time to improve your health thru exercise. Don't waste precious time pouting. Treat yourself to a nice gift -- a morale builder. The Terrace Bay Recreation Office will be accepting names from parents of pre-schoolers who would be interested An having their sons or daughters taught the techniques of CAPRICORN Some hazardous traffic conditions call for ex- skating, Dec. 22-Jan. 19 tra alertness. Maintain harmonious attitude : : with family. Be alert to behind the scenes in- I YEAR AGO - NOVEMBER 26, I975 trigue. . ; ; x STORK CLUB - Born to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Sopel of Terrace AQUARIUS You'll probably experience conflict with Bay, & girl on Saturday, November 22nd. Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ifienas in yout sanding of Sr ganications) may On Sunday, November 23 friends and relations of Janine bil pe WILY It. ihey:ll See Il; your wa Pinesult attended a shower held in her honour at the Com . munity Church, PISCES You're wearing your emotions on your sleeve. Mrs, Ida O'Neil won $334.00 in the last Kinsmen Kingo in Schreiber.