PAGE 20 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 14, 1976 = ; 1099.00... Lon A "ag 4 -- es 3 <7 oR -- 3 ¥ HAPPINESS? VP! THE ARCTIC CAT A ) BRING BACK Ba irs \ 42S > & \ nr PR Con) fem Hoy All new. All Cat. = For onl S $1099.00! Goodbye, Colt. Goodbye, Elan. Goodbye, most used © machines. Here's a new Axctic Cat for only $1099.00! It's the Lynx 2000-5, a 1-cylinder Cat that's perfect for Mom or for the youngster who's outgrown his Kitty Cat. (RO00-T 2-cylinder model slightly extra.) So if all your thoughts have run to Cat -- except the price -- come running in today. We've got your Cat at your price! : (PANTHER -EL TIGRE -CHEETAH -JAG) $100.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER ON 1977 ARCTIC CAT PHONE 825-3319 TERRACE BAY ENTERPRISES | TERRACE BAY