PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 14, 1976 . Mrs. Mary Fummerton, at the regular Octob- er meeting of the Schreiber Catholic Women's League, accepted the convenership of their Christmas tea-bazaar. Her. sisters, Mrs. Rita Scott and Nita Cook will assist her. Mrs. Lorette McParland, the president, thanked Mrs. Fummerton for accepting the im- portant position. : Following the opening prayer, Sister -Mar- vel read an article by Pope Paul on prayer. The minutes of the last regular and execu- tive meeting, were adopted as read by Mrs. Marion Henre, as was the treasurer's report by Mrs. Marjory Spacek. Mrs. Henri-also read the correspondence, many thank you notes and the special letter from India. Father F.J. Meyer reported on a show on World War 2 which is to be shown, free Of charge, in the Odeon Theatre, in Thunder Bay on October 30 at 9 a.m. The film concerns the survival of a family in Holland. Father Meyer also expressed his concern with vandalism in the Church, amounting to not only vandalism, by sacrilege, since vigil lights were disturbed. Mrs. Simonne Connelly reported a cheque to the Development of Peace and urged those who could to donate blood during October. Sister Marvel stated the Rosary is being said at 7:00 daily during October. Mrs. McParland reminded members of .the re- gional meeting being held in Schreiber on October 13, with Terrace Bay and Marathon C.W.L. members, cordially invited to attend. 4 Mrs. Edna Cocks and Mrs. Alexandria Jac- ques offered to provide doughnuts, coffee and other drinks for the ones being confirmed on November 21 and their parents or Sponsors. Mrs. Lucette Chicoine volunteered to work in the kitchen for the occasion. Mrs. McParland stated she is going to have a meeting of the "captains" for telephoning, to bring the lists up to date. Mrs. Simonne Connelly spoke of the concern of observers seeing school children using the railway tracks instead of the subway, as a means of crossing from the south to the north sides of town, urging them to constantly alert children to the hazard involved. The meeting closed with a prayer by Father: Meyer and lunch was served. PUI OUT THAT MATCH § fj // ill, 7, #3 Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Ray have returned from a holiday with relatives in Sudbury. Mrs. Pat Liesander of Thunder Bay visited relatives here the past week. : Gilbert Gerow has left to be employed at White River, Ontario. "Mr. and Mrs. R. Hogan of Thunder Bay visit- ed Mrs. Prina Gerow this week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor of MacGregor | Bay, Ontario; Mrs. R. Cywink and sons of Es- panola, Ontario were guests of Mrs. Anne Tod- esco on the weekend. | Mrs. Tina Jacobson of Thunder Bay renewed acquaintances here during the week. Miss Lorraine Seppala and Floyde Harnden are holidaying in the U.S.A. and Eastern Canada. George Goodchild is a patient in a Lakehead | hospital. : ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING: The St. Berchman Altar Society of the Roman catholic Church held their meeting on Tuesday, September 5 at Mrs. Eugene Gerow's home. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. The financial statement showing disbursements of two hundred dollars was passed for adoption. The meeting was chaired by Mrs. Herb Legault and Mrs. Schelling the secretary was present. cards of thanks were read and filed. '& bingo was planned with Mrs. Herb Legault to convene, it. i Mrs. Todesco was appointed to post the not- ices for the entertainment. Several prizes were donated for same and it was decided to offer cash prizes as well. Mrs. Schelling offered to hire a teenager to shovel snow this winter at the church. It was reported that the hose, lawn mower etc. were stored for the winter and other nec- essary chores at the church done before the cold season sets in. : Mrs. Schelling invited the ladies to meet at her home for the November meeting. Following adjournment and prayers, Mrs. Gerow served luncheon and a social hour was enjoyed. a -- -------------- _------------ = Barry Lugsden and Ray Peletier, of Sarnia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell while trying their luck at hunting in this area. : | Mrs. Lester McCuaig spent last week in Ati- kokan with Mr. and Mrs. Chal McCuaig. | paddy (Trapper) O'Brien is in the Port | Arthur General Hospital.