OCTOBER 14, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 TERRACE BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT Police investigated 24 occurrences during the week of October 3rd to 9th. During the early evening hours of October 3/76 police apprehended and charged a Schrei- ber resident with Impaired Driving and Driv- ing Disqualified. The theft of a portable tape deck player was reported on October 5/76 by a resident. This matter is presently under investigation. On October 7th Police investigated an al- ledged threatening charge. As a result of this investigation a local resident has been charged with possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace. During routine patrol one local resident was charged with having liquor in other than his residence, while another was charged with having no insurance upon his motor vehicle. On October 8th a North Bay resident was charged with doing 80 m.p.h. in a 55 m.p.h zone. During routine patrol a car operated by Thunder Bay youths was checked, subsequent- ly a quantity of drugs and liquor was siezed. Charges for possession of Narcotics and lig- uor have been laid. : enue ekKy, : Continued page (i Gna a : RAT IL pie RECREATION REPORT: Cont'd from pg. 8 COMING EVENTS: Cont'd Monday, October 18 - Annual meeting of local Association to Guides and Brownies - 7:30 p.m. Community Church. gy (ARENA SCHEDULE PAGE 10) DESTROVS - PRACTICE FIRE PREVENTION ANNOUNCEMENT Terrace Taxi wish to announce that as of this date the business phone of our com- pany will be located at our local Texaco Service Station. This will comply with a request that we operate from a commercial establishment. The same courteous service will be pro- vided to our customers. Thank You. Anyone in Terrace interested Bay or Schreiber who is in a subscription to oe DAILY DELIVERY LOCALLY PHONE 825-9203 AFTER 6 P.M. TERRACE BAY MEN' Jo CURLING CLUB ANNUAL MEETING OCTOBER 20th 8:00 p.m. Curling Club Lounge Interested curlers and members are urged to attend.