PAGE 4 1 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 6, 1976 \ 0KING BA 25 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 4, 1951 Several complaints have been received lately on the matter of some of our residents gathering pulpwood along the shore of Lake Superior to use-as winter fuel. It is brought to the attention of all concerned that it is against the law to pick up this pulpwood as it is the property of the Pulpwood Sal- vage Association, About six weeks ago, one of the ladies from the Townsite left behind an unfinished pair of child's blue socks at the Hospital, If the owner cares to call at the Hospital, she may claim same, AT THE MOVIES: Saturday Evening - ANNIE GET YOUR GUN = starring Betty Hutton and Howard Keel in a great musical * comedy. Music by Irving Berlin, 20 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER lth, 1956 STORK CLUB: Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs. George Rouhiainen on the birth of a son on Sept. 29, 1956. AROUND THE TOWN: Mary and Don Husband with Ida and Peter Romaniuk were in Milwaukee, Wisc, last week where the men attended a Union Convention. Mr, and Mrs. C.H. Titcombe and son Tommy of Willowdale, Ontario were visitors at the home of Mrs, Titcombe's brother, Lester Crandlemire and family, for a week, Barbara and Dick lumbers are happy to announce the birth of e son Bredley James in Cornwall, Ontario on Sept. 23rd, 1956, : 15 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 5, 1961 STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs. H, Blanchette, of Sch- rene a daughter on September 27th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F.V. Roen, of Schreiber, a daughter on September 29th. Born to Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Cole, Terrace Bay, a son on October 1st. Rorn to Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mitchell, Terrace Bay, a son on October 1st. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Heinrich, of Schreiber, a son on October nd, Born to Mr. and Mrs. P, Magi, of Ter- race Bay, a daughter on October 2nd. . WEEKEND SPECIALS: Turkeys - Grade A - 10-14 lbs: 39¢/1b. Kraft Dinner - 2 pkgs. - 25¢. Fresh Cranberries and Fresh Brussel sprouts - 29¢/1b. 10 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 6, 1966 A great Northern Pike was donated to the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel recently by Murray A. Clark of Terrace Bay. The Pike, weighing twenty-seven lbs, and forty-six inches long, was caught by Murray on August 30th, 1966 in the Aguasabon River, It will occupy a place of honour in the Jackpine Room, Thirteen district sharpshooters won turkeys at the Annual Turkey Shoot sponsored by the Terrace Bay Eranch of the Navy League and held in the Arena last Sunday afterncon. They were: Timmy MacDonald, Lionel Waghorn, Harry Gusul, Gary Gusul, R. Gavin. Pat Jones, Leo Nesbitt,. Art Beaulieu, Louise Gavin, Marion Pluta, Vivian Rapke and Juniors: Clar- ence Yates & Reid Boutelier, A Come & Go Shower Tea will be held in honour of Miss Shirley Jartus on Saturday, October 8th in the Anglican Church Basement from 8 - 10 p.m, Mr, and Mrs, M Hubelit of Rossport will be at home to an open reception Saturdsy, October 15th from 3 = 9 pem. in honour of their son Lionel and his bride, On August 27th, Margaret Deborah Hill became the bride of Neil Harvey Whent, son of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Whent of Sch- 5 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 6, 1971 The use of studded tires in Ontario will be prohibited this Winter, motorists were reminded in an announcement issued by the Department of Transportation and Communications, STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs. W, Klassen of Schreiber a boy on September 28th, 1971. Mr, and Mrs. E, Fetter of Kitchener Ontario are pleased to announce the engagement of their only daughter Marilyn Ann to Lloyd Arden Goodmurphy only son of Mr, and Mrs. Arden Goodmurphy of Terrace Bay, Ontario. 1 YEAR AGO - OCTOBER 8, 1975 On Friday evening, August 22nd, 1975 at 7:00 peme Laura Margaret Ann McParland, daughter of lLorette and Harold McParland, Schreiber, was united in marriage by Rev. Roy McParland, uncle of the Bride, in a double ring ceremony to Leo Lester Legault of Terrace Bay, Ontario, the eldest son of Doris and Lester Legault, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Total amount in the MoCausland Hospital Building Fund has now reached $59,706.78. YOUR WEEK AHEAD gy pamis ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22, LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dee. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 - Forecast Period: October 10 to October 16, 1976 Sort of melancholy? Everyone giving you a hard time? Never mind. Go get that new suit you've admired. It has soothing qualities. You are pretty good at stirring up an ar- ent. Gentle treatment of other people's eelings go a long way in keeping harmony. Keep in mind the "cash register concerto" as you toss things into the cart at the super- market. It adds up quick. A creative period for you in music, art, enter- tainment, sex. The options are all around. Thoughts turn to enhancing the beauty of the home. Friends drop in and delight in the har: monious atmosphere. Go ahead and paint your van, or bedroom, or whatever, with complete abandon. Let your in- ner self express. The sun is shining on Librans now, shedding its golden rays, and intensifying your already strong magnetic appeal. ; Focus in on your charm in expressing your- self. Others find your company very pleasing. Shop for pretty things. It's a good time to get the house back in spic and span shape. And why not get your annual physical check up too? Vitality is high. Romantic attachments, social gatherings, have special appeal. Children too provide a great deal of pleasure. Financial transactions will be favorable and will bring about an improvement in social status or career. Invite a friend to join you in an outing in the country, where beauty abounds. Relax and en- Joy. reiber, Ontario,