PAGE. 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS , SEPTEMBER-22, 1976 HIGH SCHOOL HAPPENINGS: Cont'd from pg. 7 ... SCHREIBER: Listed in order of Family, Student's Council Representative and Athletic Association Representative: Junior (J) - Senior (S) Canuck J - Cathy Doig, Karen Zaporzan; Canuck S = Terry Birch, Norman LaRone; Mohawk J - Bev Lewis, June Ross; Mohawk S - Maxine Holland, Cathy Cook; Iroquois J - Bonny Bourguignon, Anna Racioppi; Iroquois S.- David Lapenskie, Mark Hara; Ottawa J -- Colleen Ryan, Wendy Ray; Ottawa S - Carol Vanderkam, Cindy Thompson. TERRACE BAY: Listed as above: Sioux J - Georgina Wood, Oswald Buhramann & Fay Dakin; Sioux S =- Marcel Gelineault, Bruce Lang; Cree J - Pat Gorman, Mike Moher; Cree S -| James McEwen, Joseph Sechesky; Micmac J = Vicky Colby, Dean Broughton; Micmac S - Karen Nicol, Mike O'Neil; Ojibway J - Dave Stortini, Scott Thompson; Ojibway S - Tom Ballentine, Curtis Cotton. The Wo will be meeting next week to form their executive. Students Council's first task will be to organize initiation for the first year stu- dents. The Athletic Association will be sched- uling for Intramurals. Mrs. Achurch and Mr. Hanley are staff co-ordinators for the Terrace Bay and Schreiber Student Councils respective--- ly. Mrs. Hurley is the staff co-ordinator for the Athletic Association. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAY: The Lake Superior High School staff held their first professional activity day on Friday September 7, 1976. A lengthy staff meeting was held in the mor- ning to discuss plans for the school year and detailed procedures for opening day. In the afternoon each Department Head met with his staff to discuss items such as: evalutation; examinations; courses of study; core program budget etc. This was an excellent opportunity to coordinate programs to allow the best use of equipment and facilities. STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Radul, of. White River, a girl on September. 15th. 'REQUIRED One full time bookkeeper with experience in general accounting and office work. Typing is preferred. For further informa- tion please call the Hospital Administra- tion Office at 825-3695. PRENATAL CLASSES Prenatal classes for expectant parents will be held commencing Tuesday, October 5 from 7 = 9 p.m. Please call Thunder Bay Dis- trict Health Unit 824-2413 to register. AGUASABON GOLF CLUB WIND-UP DANCE SAT., SEPT. 25TH_ LEGION HALL MUSIC BY: PARTY SOUND 9:00 P.M. $5.00 PER COUPLE GENERAL MEETING SEPT. 27TH 8:00 P.M. at the Club Hpuse - TERRACE BAY i: FIGURE .. SKATING CLUB REGISTRATION vy WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 29-7 TO 9 P.M. FAMILY RATES: 1st child - $36.00 2nd child - $31.00 3 or more - $16.00 each Rates effective only on the above date. Lockers available for skaters with Pre- liminary Figure and over - first come first served basis. Place - Conference Room - Rec Centre